Open Collective
Open Collective
The Readup Collective has launched!
Published on May 24, 2022 by Thor Galle

As previously announced in our "Free Readup" announcement blog post, we have now created an Readup Collective to support Readup.

The mission of The Readup Collective, is
  1. to ensure the existence of a freely available Readup service,
  2. to publicly promote that Readup service,
  3. to maintain and further develop the open-source Readup Project underlying all Readup services.

What is a Readup service?

Readup is a social reading platform dedicated to education and civil discourse. Readers can discuss articles on Readup, if the Readup app or browser extension has verified that they have fully read the article.

There is currently one Readup service, the free "The Service", which is hosted on and accessible via several apps.

The Readup Collective, The Service, The Readup Project? 

What's the difference between all these entities? And who owns them?
  • The Readup Collective (this collective) is an Open Collective lead by Thor Galle. It has an application pending to be financially hosted by the non-profit Open Collective Foundation.
  • The Service is currently the only Readup service available. It is operated by Jeff Camera at Shore Logic LLC.
  • The Readup Project is the upcoming AGPL-licensed open-source project underlying all Readup services, with original copyright of Jeff Camera. It will enable the existence of multiple Readup services.

To work towards our mission, the Readup Collective has chosen to partner with “The Service” to provide a free Readup service. However, The Readup Collective is independent. It is not bound towards “The Service”, and may choose to partner with another vendor running a different Readup service in the future.