Open Collective
Open Collective
Chat from yesterday's event
Published on November 30, 2023 by Jay Tompt

Here it is in raw form... more to come.

13:04:15 From Gláucia Torquato to Everyone:
Gláucia - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
13:04:16 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Wilsa - Bahia - Brasil

13:05:09 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Hi all, this is Sandro Lopes, from the Amazon Brazil.
13:05:16 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Para quem está chegando, renomeie o seu tag de identificação com nome e País
13:05:30 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Estamos tendo tradução em portugues
13:05:44 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
13:06:07 From Gláucia Torquato to Everyone:
Sorry, I can’t open my camera. I’ll be here only listening.
13:06:11 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Good day, everybody. I'm Bárbara Pellegrini, from Brazil. I have a seedling nursery called Muda Tudo
13:07:19 From Jon Hazlett to Everyone:
Hi all, joining from Bristol, England

13:07:42 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
Hello everyone - Anna Selby (Engaged Ecology Lecturer) and Georgina Campbell - Ecological Design Thinking Masters student joining you from Schumacher College in Devon in the UK
13:07:43 From Jean-Paul Grange - Paris Transition Val-de-Marne to Everyone:
Hello, Jean-Paul Grange France from "Val-de-Marne en Transition" and "Transition Paris Region" Hub. Currently launching a Local Accelerator Hub for Textile Circular Economy :
13:08:00 From Damien Portolano • France 🇫🇷 to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello, Jean-Paul Gra..." with 👍🏻
13:09:34 From Massimo Calamassi (TG) to Everyone:
Hello! Massimo representing a Swiss-Italian-Argentinian combo.. currently joining from Zurich, Switzerland.
Projects and consulting for regeneration.
Listening in from a train.
13:10:39 From Renata Nacif - Translation - Brazil to jay tompt - Devon, England(Direct Message):
Para acessar a tradução, você deve escolher o canal Português.
13:11:42 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Any chance to have the power point presentation by the end?
13:11:51 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
13:11:53 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
13:11:54 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Sure we can share it
13:12:02 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Awesome thanks so much 🤝
13:12:07 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Awesome thanks so mu..." with ❤️
13:12:07 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Awesome thanks so mu..." with 🫀
13:12:15 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Good Morning from a chilly Stretford in Greater Manchester, North West England.  We are a 'long-in-the-tooth' start-up to be based initially in Trafford, Greater Manchester and in Llanfairfechan, Conwy in North Wales.  Our Fb page,, contains an explanation of our project
13:12:27 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Good Morning from a ..." with ❤️
13:12:41 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello! Massimo repre..." with ❤️
13:12:46 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello, Jean-Paul Gra..." with ❤️
13:12:50 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello everyone - Ann..." with ❤️
13:12:53 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Our domain site has links to our social media and email:
13:12:56 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello, Jean-Paul Gra..." with ❤️
13:12:57 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi all, joining from..." with ❤️
13:13:02 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello! Massimo repre..." with ❤️
13:13:05 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Good day, everybody...." with 🫀
13:13:10 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Sorry, I can’t open ..." with 👍
13:13:14 From Massimo Calamassi (TG) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello! Massimo repre…" with ❤️
13:13:16 From Massimo Calamassi (TG) to Everyone:
Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Hello! Massimo repre…"
13:13:22 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Our domain site has ..." with 👍
13:13:50 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Hi I am Carlos Costa from São Paulo Brazil and looking forward to know the ideas of this group. Looks very interesting.
13:14:19 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi I am Carlos Costa..." with ❤️
13:15:44 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Greetings all, Joe Culhane here. Engaged Ecology MA Alumni from Schumacher College. Currently a part of the ecology, canyon lands, and waters of the West Coast in what we predominantly refer to as the United States of America (but it goes by many names). Grateful to be here with all of you.
13:16:26 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Greetings all, Joe C..." with ❤️
13:16:33 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
I also have a Project of mentoring and communication on business in bioeconomy.
13:16:46 From Damien Portolano • France 🇫🇷 to Everyone:
Reacted to "I also have a Projec..." with 👍🏻
13:17:13 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Hello everyone, I’m Kat Davis. I live in Totnes, Devon (UK) and am also Schumacher College alumni, where I studied Regenerative Economics.

13:17:50 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Facebook page:
13:18:00 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Facebook group
13:18:12 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
13:18:25 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
13:18:36 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:

13:18:40 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
From where do you join? Why are you here? What does regenerative Entrepreneurship mean for you?
13:18:53 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:

13:18:56 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Hi again,  I've already put links to 3rdAge Hostelling Association's social media, etc. in the main 'Chat' box: and
13:26:27 From Gláucia Torquato to Everyone:
I can’t talk now, sorry! I’m just listening.
13:27:56 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
13:42:24 From Asher Levin, Totnes, UK to Everyone:
Hi Everyone, I'm Asher Levin, My entrepreneurial company is South Devon Ebikes ( ) I'm based in Totnes, focusing on converting locals' bikes to ebikes with high quality, safe, reliable systems. I do this to reduce driving and to enable people to be enabled to ride on the local hills.
13:42:55 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi Everyone, I'm Ash..." with ❤️
13:43:12 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi Everyone, I'm Ash..." with ❤️
13:43:32 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hi Everyone, I'm A..." with ❤️
13:43:51 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Meu nome é Wilsa, sou paraense de nascimento e baiana por arrebatamento, 23 anos de vivência nas terras desse território que vai da Costa dos Coqueiros e passa pelas Costas do Dendê, do Cacau, do "descobrimento", até a Costa das Baleias.

O cupuaçu é largamente produzido nessas Cabrucas e aproximadamente 80% da sua produção ainda é perdida, embaixo dos pés.

Trago uma proposta de Comercialização para este fruto! Uma CUPULATARIA, que envolve muita inclusao, muito cuidado com toda a cadeia produtiva, e consequentemente muito trabalho pela Restauração e Conservação da vida no nosso planeta, a começar pelas  Cabrucas da Mata Atlântica do Sul, Baixo e Extremo Sul da Bahia.
13:44:10 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
13:44:13 From João Caldeira to Everyone:
pra mim está mudo não ouço nada
13:45:08 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
13:45:33 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
My contact at Linkedin
13:46:01 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Estou num computador sem webcam e sem microfone
13:46:59 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Bahia Brasil
+55 73 998254894
E-mail: [email protected]
13:47:10 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Olá querida

13:47:44 From Rossella Rocchino- Technical University Munich to Everyone:
Hello everyone, happy to connect
13:47:47 From Asher Levin, Totnes, UK to jay tompt - Devon, England(Direct Message):
13:48:17 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello everyone, happ..." with ❤️
13:48:21 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
LinkedIn is not working for this 3rdager, I can't convince it that I'm human.  Blue links to Fb or Twitter that I can click on would help.
13:48:56 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Wilsa 
Bahia Brasil
..." with ❤️
13:50:35 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "Wilsa 
Bahia Brasil

Conte-nos sobre seu projeto. Posso traduzir aqui para todos
13:50:35 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "LinkedIn is not work..." with 😇
13:51:31 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
To repeat:  3rdAge Hostelling Association is a start-up social enterprise:  small walkers/cyclists hostels/community hubs with therapy room.  I've already followed Asher as we have the same problems in North Wales, i.e. hills.  We have semi-derelict properties in both Stretford in Trafford, Greater Manchester and in Llanfairfechan in Conwy, North Wales.  Please say "Hello" on
13:51:42 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Meu nome é Wilsa, sou paraense de nascimento e baiana por arrebatamento, 23 anos de vivência nas terras desse território que vai da Costa dos Coqueiros e passa pelas Costas do Dendê, do Cacau, do "descobrimento", até a Costa das Baleias.

O cupuaçu é largamente produzido nessas Cabrucas e aproximadamente 80% da sua produção ainda é perdida, embaixo dos pés.

Trago uma proposta de Comercialização para este fruto! Uma CUPULATARIA, que envolve muita inclusao, muito cuidado com toda a cadeia produtiva, e consequentemente muito trabalho pela Restauração e Conservação da vida no nosso planeta, a começar pelas  Cabrucas da Mata Atlântica do Sul, Baixo e Extremo Sul da Bahia.

[email protected]+55  73 998254894
13:52:10 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..." with 👍
13:52:28 From Gláucia Torquato to Everyone:
Reacted to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so…" with ❤️
13:52:58 From samchevallier to Everyone:
- Hi all, I a from South Africa, I did EDT in 2015 and now a business owner of Learn Biomimicry, ReWild Africa and currently working on ecosystem restoration projects across Africa. Im trying to raise funds for a documentary in the Congo called Upemba.
13:53:04 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Here is the pitch from Wilsa, in Brasil:
13:53:06 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
"My name is Wilsa, born in Pará and captivated by Bahia, with 23 years of experience in the lands that stretch from Costa dos Coqueiros to the Coasts of Dendê, Cacau, 'discovery,' and Costa das Baleias.

Cupuaçu is widely produced in these Cabrucas, with approximately 80% of its production still lost underfoot.

I bring a Commercialization proposal for this fruit! A CUPULATARIA, involving inclusivity, careful consideration of the entire production chain, and consequently, significant efforts towards the Restoration and Conservation of life on our planet, starting with the Cabrucas of the South Atlantic Forest, in the Lower and Far South of Bahia.

[email protected]
+55 73 998254894"
13:53:14 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..." with 🫀
13:53:34 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..."

Prazer. O Sergio Salad me falou a respeito de seu projeto. Muito interessante.
13:53:43 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Reacted to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so…" with ❤️
13:54:14 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Prazer. O Sergio Sal..." with ❤️
13:54:21 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:  Apologies for the repetition, digital exclusion goes with the territory for many septuagenarians.
13:56:31 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Bom dia pessoas!
Sou Lia Fontes, assistente social de formação,  residente no Espírito Santo (Brasil) - Temos um Coletivo ACALME (sociocultural) com o nome ACALME:  que visa Ampliar o Cuidado com Arte, Livros,  Mediação (comunitária) e Empreendedorismo.

É uma proposta de intervenção intersetorial, que visa um desenvolvimento pessoal e local (território)
13:57:52 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Here is the presentation from Lia:
13:57:53 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
"Good morning, everyone!
I'm Lia Fontes, a professionally trained social worker residing in Espírito Santo, Brazil. We have a collective called ACALME (sociocultural) with the name ACALME, which aims to Expand Care through Art, Books, Community Mediation, and Entrepreneurship.

It is an intersectoral intervention proposal aimed at personal and local (territorial) development."
14:03:43 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Replying to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..." 

Fico muito contente ...
14:05:03 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Fico muito contente ..." with 👍
14:05:09 From Cecília Pestana| Brasil to Everyone:
Future as customer! Awesome!
14:05:17 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Future as customer! ..." with ❤️
14:05:20 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Reacted to "Future as customer! ..." with ❤️
14:05:21 From samchevallier to Everyone:
Reacted to "Future as customer! ..." with ❤️
14:05:25 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..."

Sim, tenho conversado com o Sergio e fala bastante a respeito. Vamos falar.
14:05:32 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Thanks Tom for sharing your project!
14:05:40 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks Tom for shari..." with ❤️
14:06:03 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Thank you Tom, I lived in Switzerland but before you were born!  https://www// will pitch on here.  My septuagenarian tank needs refilling so I'm looking for support/finance to bring properties in great locations and suitable for small walkers/cyclists hostels/community hubs with therapy room.  We will not discriminate against the young, we were all young once, but we will encourage older people to keep fit and involved with community.  Our working title is 3rdAge Hostelling Association (the 'golden-oldies version of the YHA):  Thank you from, Maggie Joan Haggas, city and coast, England and Wales.

14:06:14 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Reacted to "Future as customer! ..." with 💚
14:06:32 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you Tom, I liv..." with 👍🏼
14:07:28 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
I love what you are doing Tom!! Let's connect

14:08:10 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Parabéns Tom!
14:10:04 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
Tom Stäubli | Cerca Research & Design Lab

14:10:18 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Tom Stäubli | Cerca ..." with ❤️
14:11:09 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Tom Stäubli | Cerca ..." with 👍
14:11:23 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Tom Stäubli | Cerca ..." with ❤️
14:11:58 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
Reacted to "Tom Stäubli | Cerca ..." with ❤️

14:14:20 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you Tom, I liv..." with ❤️
14:14:37 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
What's the link/title of Emanuele's YouTube?

14:14:55 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
Replying to "What's the link/titl..."

we’ll get it and post it here
14:16:49 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Replying to "What's the link/titl..."

14:17:03 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg(Direct Message):
I think his time is up…
14:17:14 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to jay tompt - Devon, England(Direct Message):
14:18:08 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Tom Stäubli | Cerca ... with "👍"
14:18:34 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
Great App Emanuele, I saw SINGA on your screen. Within my former job I was connected with SINGA in Switzerland. So can connect with them here.
14:18:36 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Meu nome é Wilsa, so... with "🫀"
14:18:39 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Removed a 🫀 reaction from "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..."
14:18:43 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Meu nome é Wilsa, so... with "❤️"
14:18:45 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Meu nome é Wilsa, so..."
14:18:51 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great App Emanuele, ..." with ❤️
14:19:20 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Please, give us the instructions on how to access the app
14:20:13 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Replying to "Great App Emanuele, ..."

please do !! we work with Singa in Luxembourg, but woudl love to get Singa Switzerland
14:20:43 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
This is a wonderful project, Emanuele and Tanya!
14:20:48 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
to all just go to,  try it out
14:21:24 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "to all just go to ww..." with 👍
14:21:29 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Great App Emanuele, ... with "❤️"
14:22:08 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
14:22:13 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Replying to "Please, give us the ..."

14:23:06 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Marvelous. with "❤️"
14:23:22 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Reacted to "to all just go to ww…" with 👍
14:23:24 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to This is a wonderful ... with "❤️"
14:23:29 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
@Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow   Please put links in a format that can just be clicked on, i.e. highlighted in blue.  My internet skills are challenged, particularly when working on a tablet!
14:23:30 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
[This is an encrypted message]
14:23:33 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
Replying to "Great App Emanuele, ..."

Happy to do so. Let me know how you would like me to introduce you or the project. You can send me your input or credentials to [email protected]
14:23:50 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
You said that relations-Thing beautifully, Emanuele 🙏

14:24:29 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Replying to "@Emanuele Santi - Lu..."

14:25:11 From Asher Levin, Totnes, UK to Everyone:
Just popping back in to give you ease of contact: 
Asher Levin  
[email protected]
+44 7375 623266

14:25:19 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Reacted to "Just popping back in..." with 👍
14:25:31 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Reacted to "Just popping back in..." with ❤️
14:26:33 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Just popping back in... with "❤️"
14:26:37 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
'Facebook' is still the most popular social media but ES's YouTube link does not allow sharing to Facebook.  I've shared it on, I think!

14:30:45 From Rossella Rocchino- Technical University Munich to Everyone:
Dear all, thank you for today’s meeting. I need to leave now. Enjoy the rest of the meeting.
14:31:18 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Replying to "Dear all, thank you ..."

Thanks for being with us today Rossella.
14:31:32 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Dear all, thank you ... with "❤️"
14:34:29 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
A wonderful project Barbara!
14:34:43 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Really inspiring work!
14:34:45 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to A wonderful project ... with "❤️"
14:34:52 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "A wonderful project ..." with 😇
14:35:01 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Realmente inspirador!
14:35:12 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Really inspiring wor..." with ❤️
14:35:16 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Realmente inspirador..." with 🫀
14:35:22 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Realmente inspirador..." with 👍
14:35:33 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Thank you everybody
14:35:41 From Gláucia Torquato to Everyone:
Lindo, lindo!!!!!! Beautiful project and person! ❤️
14:35:47 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Lindo, lindo!!!!!! B..." with 😍

14:35:50 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
For Riding the Rainbow: Sending you a few links  the 1 minute video of our vision. You can watch it at your leisure If you have apple phone just download it on Android would be be in touch [email protected] or simply look us up on your app store

14:36:01 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Parabéns, Bárbara! Encantador projeto... Estamos em estados vizinhos e já quero me conectar contigo!
14:36:04 From Claudia - Brazil / Mexico to Everyone:
Barbara, seu projeto é incrível!!! E seu inglês é ótimo! <3
14:36:22 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to Parabéns, Bárbara! E... with "❤️"
14:36:26 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Parabens Barbara. Your project is amazing. We should bring you to Luxembourg!
14:36:40 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
If participants put 'easy' blue links in the chat box I am happy to share their links on my social media, not on LinkedIn at the moment because, as I mentioned earlier, I cannot convince them that I am human!
14:36:41 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Realmente inspirador..." with 💚
14:36:53 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Really inspiring wor..." with 💚
14:37:02 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "A wonderful project ..." with 💚
14:37:21 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Barbara. Muito bom. Poderia deixar um contato de WhatsApp ou email para conhecer mais do projeto ?
14:38:04 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Replying to "Barbara. Muito bom. ..." 

Sim.... Podemos esta...
14:38:16 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Lindo, lindo!!!!!! B..." with ❤️
14:38:47 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Replying to "Barbara. Muito bom. ..."

Também tenho interesse em me conectar com vocês, pessoal!
14:38:56 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Replying to "Barbara. Muito bom. ..."

(27) 992416133
14:39:11 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Parabéns, Bárbara! E..." with ❤️
14:39:21 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Parabens Barbara. Yo..." with 🫀
14:41:11 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
Replying to "Barbara. Muito bom. ..."

Nosso coletivo ACALME, tem a proposta de ampliar o cuidado, inclusive, praticando a Agroecologia e Economia Popular Solidária, pautada no bem viver.
14:41:35 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Nosso coletivo ACALM..." with 👍
14:44:41 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
Escola Schumacher do Brasil
14:45:02 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
And there is ‘Schumacher Sprouts’ in Belgium too
14:46:32 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
@Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA   Please send energetic people our way; young or old, will not discriminate!
14:46:33 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
[This is an encrypted message]
14:46:38 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Schumacher College has a range of courses:
• Short courses (a few days to a couple of weeks)
• Regenerative horticulture/agriculture training
• BSc in Regenerative Agriculture
• Multiple Masters courses which people come to from a variety for backgrounds and professional experiences

14:47:24 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
If you want to follow up, you can reach us at:
[email protected]

14:47:54 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "@Joe Culhane [Schuma..." with ❤️
14:48:36 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Reacted to "If you want to follo…" with 😍
14:51:27 From Damien Portolano • France 🇫🇷 to Everyone:
Reacted to "If you want to follo..." with 👍🏻
14:52:01 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Parabéns, Bárbara! E..." with 💚
14:52:20 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Barbara, seu projeto..." with 😇
14:52:34 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Reacted to "Parabens Barbara. Yo..." with 💚
14:53:28 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
Community of Dragons form
14:53:28 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:

14:54:38 From Maria Cecília Pestana to Everyone:
I gota go now, I leave my contacts.
Cecilia Pestana, Miguel Pereira, Brasil
intstagram: @mceciliapestana
[email protected]

14:54:44 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "I gota go now, I lea..." with ❤️
14:55:09 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
Reacted to "I gota go now, I lea..." with ❤️
14:55:11 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
14:56:29 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
14:56:57 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:

14:57:33 From Maggie Joan Haggas 3rdager to Everyone:
Sorry I have to leave.  I can always offer a bed in Manchester but perhaps not until the weather gets warmer as I have no heating or water at the moment!  Best Regards and Seasons Greetings from Maggie Joan Haggas,  email details on there.
14:57:35 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
[email protected]
14:57:48 From Jean-Paul Grange - Paris Transition Val-de-Marne to Everyone:
Accept answers :
14:57:56 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
[email protected]
14:57:56 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
mailto:[email protected]
14:57:57 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
[email protected] - I offer to Jay technical support with google forms for the next time 🙂
14:58:06 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Reacted to "nikolaburic.ns@gmail..." with 😆
14:58:07 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "nikolaburic.ns@gmail..." with 😂
14:58:09 From Damien Portolano • France 🇫🇷 to Everyone:
Reacted to "nikolaburic.ns@gmail..." with 😂
14:58:13 From Jean-Paul Grange - Paris Transition Val-de-Marne to Everyone:
Reacted to "nikolaburic.ns@gmail..." with 😂
14:58:22 From Sam Nüesch - Amt für Zukunft to Everyone:
Reacted to "nikolaburic.ns@gmail..." with 😂

14:59:17 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
TOM, I tanto to get closer and understand how can I collaborate. My company works with design and redesign for regenerative cultueres
14:59:23 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Cake tooo
14:59:44 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
[email protected]
15:00:28 From Jon Hazlett Bristol, England to jay tompt - Devon, England(Direct Message):
I am happy to help Tom with a business model

15:01:09 From Claudia - Brazil / Mexico to Everyone:
Reacted to "Cake tooo" with 😃
15:01:11 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
@Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland - @Mel Bivar |Brazil developed this with her team:

15:01:11 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Me, me, me!!!!
15:01:21 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
I would like to try to support Tom and try to help too. I will make a contact.
15:01:24 From Hayden Shaw [Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Me to!
15:01:29 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Happy to have a chat with you Tom! [email protected]
15:02:00 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
I would be happy to get help to make our seedling nursery cost-effective.
15:02:37 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Replying to "viveiromudatudo@gmai..." 

Podemos nos conectar...
15:03:06 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "I would be happy to ..."

Já vai chegar sua vez
15:03:11 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Replying to "viveiromudatudo@gmai..."

15:03:24 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Sim!" with ❤️
15:03:51 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
If you want to become an ambassador in your community join our WhatsApp Ambassadors Group:

15:04:04 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "If you want to becom..." with ❤️
15:04:15 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "If you want to becom..."

15:04:36 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:
does this work now?

15:04:49 From Sandro Lopes to Everyone:
Reacted to "If you want to becom…" with ❤️

15:05:32 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Replying to "viveiromudatudo@gmai..."

Emanuele, check Rede Asta
15:05:42 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Emanuele, check Rede Asta
15:05:55 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
I would like to see how to support the App here in Los Angeles, CA and in the states.
15:06:18 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
Emanuele & Tanya:
I know one of the founders of plentii switzerland
perhaps there is an opportunity to integrate that in the network / solidarity map
contact me, if you're interested

15:06:31 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
I will try it, for sure!!!
15:07:00 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
As already mentioned before - happy to link to SINGA Switzerland as a concrete organisation, and potentially can check-in with my ex-employer (Deloitte - even though corporate) to see for potential funding. As well as just individually.
[email protected]
15:07:12 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Reacted to "Emanuele & Tanya:
I ..." with ❤️
15:10:40 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
I can think of helping  in  a Project.
15:11:00 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Reacted to I can think of helpi... with "❤️"
15:11:16 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
15:11:34 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Replying to "Emanuele, check Rede..."

I love it! are you in touch with them? could you make an introduction?
15:11:47 From Izabel Sousa to Everyone:
Barbara, maybe a partnership with local Universities can help you providing students in biology and others.

15:11:47 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "I can think of helpi..." with ❤️
15:12:13 From Sam Nüesch - Amt für Zukunft to Everyone:
need to leave - thanks for doing these forums!

15:12:19 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Reacted to "need to leave - than..." with ❤️
15:12:21 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "need to leave - than..." with 🫀
15:12:24 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
Check out Globe International - Citizen Science international data collection - trees, water table and more…
15:12:27 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "need to leave - than..." with ❤️
15:12:35 From Izabel Sousa to Everyone:
Yes, I cam help Barbara in Thais matter.
15:12:40 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Yes, I cam help Barb..." with ❤️
15:12:48 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Check out Globe Inte..." with ❤️
15:12:49 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
Can link to people that are working with soil… but are here in Switzerland. The guy has a Chilenean background… a little closer than Switzerland.
15:13:08 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
How do I talk to you Izabel and Carlos?
15:13:16 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Please, put your contact information here
15:13:18 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Need to leave. It was my first time here and I would like to be in a next meeting. Thanks.
15:13:24 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Need to leave. It wa..." with ❤️
15:13:27 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Reacted to "Need to leave. It wa..." with ❤️
15:13:34 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Replying to "Need to leave. It wa..."

Leave your contact
15:14:00 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Me too!
15:14:04 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Replying to "Need to leave. It wa..."

Bárbara Pellegrini +5521981051957
15:14:05 From Carlos Costa - Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "+5521981051957" with 👍
15:14:11 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Me too!" with ❤️
15:14:15 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
Thank you, Mel!
15:14:18 From Bárbara Pellegrini - BRASIL - Muda Tudo to Everyone:
Bárbara Pellegrini, Viveiro Muda Tudo +5521981051957
15:14:45 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
Amazing Nikola, we'd love to welcome you here
15:15:13 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "Amazing Nikola, we'd..." with 🙏🏼
15:15:19 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
And you Tom - one and all!
15:15:26 From Nikola Buric I Bern, Switzerland to Everyone:
Reacted to "And you Tom - one an..." with ❤️
15:15:44 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Network and Co-design
15:15:45 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
Are you interested in regenerating network in N Ireland ?Ireland - John Wright and Jonathan - Common Ground has plans to become a place foe eco-education

15:15:49 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Network and Co-desig..." with ❤️
15:15:56 From Izabel Sousa to Everyone:
Barbara, I will be in contact with you by hubsters grup. We were togheter at Vale das Videiras in the hubsters Meeting last month.
15:15:59 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:

15:16:08 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
15:16:11 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Here in Arlon close to Luxembourg :

15:16:24 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Barbara, I will be i..." with ❤️
15:16:46 From Cécile Devroye - Luxembourg to Everyone:
Replying to "Here in Arlon close ..."

It’s in Belgium
15:17:13 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
The new Black Moutain school in wales
15:17:17 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "The new Black Moutai..." with 👍
15:18:28 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
15:19:08 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
Just to put a mental hook again here - I'm really interested in designing in the educational field and would love to collaborate with schumacher

15:19:09 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://blackmountai..." with 👍
15:20:33 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
btw: my business Partner Miriam already co-founded an alternative elementary school
15:20:49 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
Reacted to "Are you interested i..." with ❤️
15:20:53 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Replying to "The new Black Moutai..."

One of the key Black Mountain folks took the Regenerative Economics programme at Schumacher!
15:20:56 From Hayden Shaw [Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Reacted to "btw: my business Par..." with 👍
15:21:02 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "btw: my business Par..." with 👍
15:21:44 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Our email again:
[email protected]

15:22:15 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
Falmouth Uni - new Eco-humanities course

15:22:16 From jay tompt - Devon, England to Everyone:

15:22:25 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Falmouth Uni - new E..." with 👍
15:22:34 From Tanya - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Computer science and technology in education [email protected]
15:23:01 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
Thank you everyone - so very inspiring!
15:23:11 From Mel Bivar |Brazil to Everyone:
15:23:12 From Hayden Shaw [Schumacher College] to Everyone:
Need to jump off y’all. Direct contact at [email protected]
15:23:13 From Anna Selby & Georgina Campbell (UK - Schumacher College) to Everyone:
Thank you so much everyone! Loved being with you all
15:23:20 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Thank you for hosting this! And grateful to virtually meet all of you here. Let’s please stay in touch!
15:23:34 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
Thamk you🙏
15:23:39 From Kat Davis [UK – Schumacher College] to Everyone:
My thanks too. So wonderful to hear from so many brilliant people.
15:23:52 From Tom Stäubli |  Cerca  |  Switzerland to Everyone:
15:24:02 From Lia Fontes to Everyone:
15:24:04 From Massimo Calamassi | CoRegener8 | CH-ARG to Everyone:
Connected - loosing battery. Thank you!
15:24:09 From Asher Levin, Totnes, UK to Everyone:
Thanks for organising this! :-)
15:24:12 From Wilsa Mendonca to Everyone:
15:24:23 From Emanuele Santi - Luxembourg - Riding the Rainbow to Everyone:
Thanks for organizing this!
15:24:34 From Robbie @ Common Ground N.I. to Everyone:
15:24:40 From Joe Culhane [Schumacher College]  USA to Everyone:
Reacted to "mycelial" with ❤️
15:24:48 From Izabel Sousa to Everyone:
15:25:00 From Lia Fontes to Everyone: