Open Collective
Open Collective
How has the covid19 pandemic effected RESQ?
Published on May 8, 2020 by Jenn Landry

Hello to everyone out there!

We at RESQ hope you are all keeping well. We know that times can be...well let's say...a bit more difficult. To help you all pass the time we would like to direct you to our Tolls Page where you can find plenty of videos and tutorials on animal health, safety, and cohabitation.

An update for you all:

Yes, we are located in Spain. Yes, we are in lockdown. Yes, a good deal of Spain is shut down. Yes, WE ARE STILL CARING FOR OUR ANIMALS. Fortunately we are in a more rural area and most of our charges are out in the countryside, where we don't have to worry about lockdown as long as we exercise "social distancing" with our neighbors. We are still able to make home deliveries for our community partners.

How has the covid19 pandemic effected RESQ?

THE MARKETS HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN. We are now missing a large chunk of our food sources and our backup stores are drying up and disappearing. WE DESPERATELY NEED YOUR DONATIONS TO CONTINUE PROVIDING FOOD TO OUR COUNTRYSIDE DEPENDANTS. Market provided almost 50% of the nutritionally balanced food we were able to provide.

Help us. Help them. Together we will make it through these hard times.

Jenn and Moe