Open Collective
Open Collective


We're creating a global sharing network

Today's Balance
Code maintenance and develope...
per month


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Become a backer for €5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€5 EUR / month
Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for €100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€100 EUR / month
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Sharebay is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Sharebay.

Colin R. Turner

Help us create and maintain a library for socia...


Transparent and open finances.


from Colin R. Turner to Sharebay
-€5.00 EUR
Reimbursement #119003

Credit from Sharebay to Sharebay

Added funds #522600
Today’s balance

--.-- EUR

Total income

€5.00 EUR

Total disbursed

€5.00 EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


We are family 

We get it. It’s nice to share things and help out among family and friends, but it’s not so easy to do out in the big bad world. People might not reciprocate, take advantage of your kindness, and leave you exhausted or maybe even losing your faith in humanity.

So we've created a safe space for people to help each other out. Whether you’ve got a great skill you’d like to share or some things you no longer use that someone else might enjoy, Sharebay helps you to help others and find others to help you. 

How it works 

Once you sign up (it’s free), you can then offer anything you like to the network (as long as it’s 100% free to give), and browse free offers by other members. If you see something you need, just ask for it. Most members will be happy to give it. If someone requests your offer, then help them out too. 

Sharebay is a sharing circle. You don’t need to give anything back to someone who gives to you, just pay it forward and help someone else when you can. Everything that’s given or received on the network is recorded on the transaction chain, so you can see who is sharing the most and decide who you want to share with. 

Our mission 

Our mission is to normalize the sharing of free goods and services in a thriving online community to the point where people can begin to support themselves using an entirely different economic model. An economy based on open access that supports people without a price tag. For more see 


Our team

Colin R. Turner

Help us create and maintain a library for socia...