Open Collective
Open Collective
2023 Reflections
Published on November 12, 2023 by Max Puchalsky

1. What did you accomplish during 2023? How did you use money?
  • We conducted several workshops and won a major award. We had no expenses in 2023.
2. What challenges did you face during 2023? What did your Collective learn? How did you change or grow?
  • Our members continue to face health challenges and financial hardship. We're always learning how to better care for one another and ask for help. Invitations to contribute original writing have provided us with the opportunity to deepen our self-understanding and theoretical grounding.  
3. What are your plans for 2024? Anything exciting coming up?
  • We plan to organize a solarpunk group exhibition in 2024 in Lexington.


Posted on November 14, 2023

Thanks for the updates y'all. Sending my thoughts + love as we head into 2024. Felt on the health challenges. It is a constant struggle to navigate this work and (for me) chronic health conditions. <3 KSEC