Open Collective
Open Collective
Just a quick update of our activities for the last few days
Published on April 27, 2020 by Sue Paterson

Shaz's Angels have been on a fund-raising mission doing a yard sale, selling masks and a raffle, this money is helping to keep the food bank stocked as we are seeing an increase in requests every week for this type of support.

After receiving a call for assistance from Sandiacre Mutual Aid group, we did a late-night dash to take bottled water, soft drinks and sweets to the firefighters who were dealing with the Springfield Mill fire

We've sent out more hygiene packs this week to those self-isolating.

We were happy to collect and drop off a donation of grow bags and tomato plants to a lady who we've been supporting.

Thanks to The White Lion in Bramcote, we were able to take cooked dinners out to some of our service users, one of which had not had a hot meal for a month. 

We also have lots of volunteers who are out shopping and collecting prescriptions for those isolating.

We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support. 😊