Open Collective
Open Collective
⚠️ StopModReposts is not being actively maintained for now
Published on March 25, 2023 by Paul Haedrich

Hey everyone,
we, the maintainers, lack the time to further maintain StopModReposts as it stands today. That's why I've decided to put the project into "low-maintenance mode" for now.

The domain will be renewed, and the last open reports will be closed and added to the list in the next days. As you might have seen, the website also changed to a simple one-pager with important info and the full list of sites.

The most important sites will stay online. Those include:

Our browser extension will also keep working. All of our other sites and services will gradually be taken down for now. They can always be brought back online.

If the opportunity comes to continue to maintain this project someday, we'll try and "revive" it. These changes are just in place, to minimize any maintenance efforts for now. 

Thanks for understanding ❤️
Your StopModReposts Team