Open Collective
Open Collective
9 tutorials are ready
Published on March 7, 2022 by Aggror

The C# intermediate tutorial project is slightly different that the beginner tutorials. The most feedback that I received was the fact that people who tagged along with the tutorial didn’t have a starting scene. So now, each tutorial contains a Start and Completed scene.
I will probably still utilise a start menu like with the Beginner project, with a button for each tutorial, but this time you will have the choice between the ‘completed scene’ and the ‘follow along’ scene.
  1. UI basics
    1. Tutorial cover Editor with code as well as entirely by code
    2. Editor + code
      1. What are pages
      2. UI Component
      3. Getting a UI entity by name
      4. Click event
      5. Text change event
    3. Code only
      1. Create UI component
      2. Create page
      3. Create button from scratch
      4. Create text edit from scratch
  2. Scene loading and child scenes
    1. Loading a scene
    2. Reloading a scene
    3. Root asset vs included asset
    4. Child  scenes can be loaded once
    5. Offset
    6. Unloading content
  3. Collision triggers
    1. Colliders and physics in your scene
    2. Dealing with collision updates and events
    3. Groups and filters
  4. Raycasting
    1. Raycasts
    2. Filters/ groups
    3. Pentratrive raycasts
  5. Project and Unproject
    1. From 2d to 3d: displaying UI above 3d objects
    2. From 3d to 2d: Shooting from the camera
  6. Sync vs Async
    1. An async version of collision triggers
    2. Api example: retrieve the open collective data
  7. Animation
    1. Difference between Rigged model, Skeleton and AnimationClips
    2. Animations component
    3. Playing, stopping
    4. Crossfade
  8. Sound
    1. 3 sound types
    2. Async loading
    3. Spatialized sound
  9. Navigation
    1. Navigation meshes
    2. Navigation boxes
    3. NavigationComponent
    4. Navigating along the path

Things left to do:
  • Menu 
  • Making the scene/lighting a little prettier to look at
  • A final decision on some remaining topics. Although i can always add those later
    • Additive animation and blend trees need another look

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