Open Collective
Open Collective
Thank you
Published on March 17, 2025 by Evan Jacobs

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has contributed to styled-components over the years. Open Source is hard work, and many of the larger feature and/or refactoring drives probably would never have shipped without your support!

As I write this in 2025, styled-components as a project is in "maintenance mode". There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The React core team has decided to defacto-deprecate certain APIs like the Context API (not available in RSC with no migration path.)
  2. The ecosystem in general has largely moved on from css-in-js as a concept while other technologies like tailwind have absolutely exploded in popularity.
  3. quantizor (me, the core maintainer for styled-components since ~2018) no longer has active production deployments of styled-components in larger applications, so context of usage in real products will continue to wane and eventually cease altogether.

There are many ways to do OSS, and I made a decision early-on that the library would not fundamentally change its API or capabilities. When you adopt a library, one of the most annoying things a maintainer can do is change everything and cause a massive migration burden. Accordingly, styled-components will not remove APIs like use of React Context and will continue to be available with occasional bugfixes and misc improvements to support the existing user base.

For new projects, I would not recommend adopting styled-components or most other css-in-js solutions. Given the current ecosystem dynamics, I don't feel comfortable continuing to collect donations for this project. Existing subscription tiers have been removed as of today and any recurring donations cancelled. We have a small war chest that will fund ongoing maintenance work as-needed and bug bounties may be issued from time to time for particular issues.

Thank you for your understanding,
quantizor and the styled-components team


Oh! For me styled-components is the natural way to create web apps... It has been for years. I tried tailwind several times though... Should I learn all those classes to write css? And convince our designers to remake their mockups to fit tailwind styles? Okay, I will try... 


tailwind exploded in trends mainly because people have to google utility classes every time they need to write styles ;) But in general I agree that it's insanely popular now. I switched to it recently too, because it allows to write adaptive styles much faster.

With styled-components I really enjoyed ability to write native css rules in a clean way, and it was very smooth learning curve compared to tailwind. I think styled-components might still be a good choice for critical, reusable UI parts, like UI Kit elements. Tailwind has some issues with extensibility, that's why projects like tw-merge exist, but it has it's downsides and limitations too.


wow, I'm glad I've not overlooked the email in my inbox with this post.
What can I say. CSS-in-JS made a massive change in React's world and FE development overall. And `styled-components` played a significant role in that change.

Thank you for all your efforts and absolute transparency regarding path forward.