Open Collective
Open Collective
Server Downtime August 2024
Published on August 26, 2024 by Kawaii Punk

Hi folks,

I'm really sorry to say we are having some technical issues that are proving really hard to solve. We believe the server crashed on Saturday 24th August at around 21:00 UTC during routine maintenance (trying to fix misbehaving certbot). Both our Mastodon server and Wiki are affected.

We can still ping the server but we can't ssh in. The only person in the SBC Tech team who has access to the Hetzner account we need access to for hard rebooting the server is away from keyboard and totally out of pocket at the moment.

We've tried to contact them through multiple means and we expect them to resurface with an internet connection in the next couple of days (at most end of the week). There's really nothing else we can think of to do in the meantime.

I'm afraid you're all going to wait for a while the tech team sorts this out. I have a proposal to make sure this situation is unlikely to occur again but I will wait to propose that till we're back online again.

For more frequent updates, visit our community Matrix room:!

A very Sunbeam problem

Deepest apologies, stay safe and be in nature
kawaiipunk and the SBC Tech Team