Open Collective
Open Collective
January and February 2021 Update
Published on March 15, 2021 by Rebecca Dixon

 Dear Contributor, 

I hope you are well.

We have been busy since we wrote to you at the start of the year. 

In January, we created the 'January Hardship fund' which provided £30 each to 5 families in need and gave £250 to the Kelvin Grove food bank. We also initiated the 'Pre pay gas meter top up fund', which provided £20 each to 5 families struggling to pay for gas top ups. 

In February, we created the ‘Back to School Fund’ which gave £30 each to 100 families across the 10 schools in Sydenham, to help parents get needed items such as uniforms, shoes, etc., for their kids’ return to the classroom. 

We will continue to update you on our work. 

Please stay safe and thank you for your support. 

Warm regards, 
Sydenham Mutual Aid.