Open Collective
Open Collective
Tako v2 Alpha Preview!
Published on March 23, 2024 by Pukima

The Tako v2 Alpha Preview is now live! 🎉
Please note that this is a very early preview/alpha version of the bot. Most of the work was just having a well scalable and stable codebase. Now I'm gonna work on adding some cool features!
This rewrite is aimed to provide the base functionality of Tako, with less bugs, more security and a much more modern and smoother experience.

The following features are still missing, but will be added before the full release:
I learned a lot along the way for autotranslation and I wanna make it better than Tako v1's Autotranslation of course, so this will still take some time
More customization to your user info profile is planned, such as profile colors, banners, etc. Also customizable colors for servers is still planned, and all the preparations have been made.
Auto React
Another one of our most used features, which will definitely come soon
Again, definitely one of the first things that is going to be worked on

What won't make it into Tako v2 on Launch:
Native Polls on Discord started rolling out recently, and I'm still uncertain how useful polls in Tako will be till the full rollout.

Translation of Tako v2

We already saw some much appreciated activity around translation for the rewrite by the awesome Translators, but even languages that were supported well, are now missing a lot of translations due to all the new strings added to Tako. If you have the time, please consider translating Tako to your language!

Financial Situation

I did all the work in my freetime and when I had motivation (hence why it took so long to just get here), since I'm still in school and also I started freelancing with my Design Skills I mostly earned by working on Tako. So if you enjoy using Tako and wanna speed up the development, please consider leaving a donation at our OpenCollective. But don't feel bad if you aren't 100% able to donate, even if it means that development will be slower, as I have to prioritize my freelancing.


With Tako v2, I wanna introduce a fair pricing, to power features that cost me money, like translation using DeepL. I decided against a member-size based pricing, in order to integrate premium with Discord's official way to earn money using apps, which will make it way easier to implement and manage for both you and me. Also I will keep the pricing around the same that I wanted to give to small servers. Currently thinking about 3-5$ per month, but I will share more about it, once I will implement Premium Features!

Have any feedback, bugs, etc.?

Use the new /feedback command!

Wanna read more about a specific feature?

We now have a brand new documentation at!

Add it now!

It also now supports user installs, so you can use it anywhere! But it's recommended to install it to a server when possible, since otherwise it's missing certain permissions and some features won't function as intended.
Invite Link:

Thank you to everyone who keeps supporting me and Tako <3
This will be my last act for Tako for now and I'll probably gonna focus on another bot soon, but I at least wanted to make the current Tako better, since there are a lot of bugs, instability, poor code, old and incosistent design for features and branding and large security risks.