Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou!
Published on September 27, 2024 by Alex Le Long
Kia ora koutou!
We're currently sitting at a happy number of 22 rangatahi on our October School Holiday programme. Massive shout out to all of our supporters and to those who donated to the kaupapa too. I'm honestly blown away by the level of support from our community and am super excited for the next two weeks!
We're currently sitting at a happy number of 22 rangatahi on our October School Holiday programme. Massive shout out to all of our supporters and to those who donated to the kaupapa too. I'm honestly blown away by the level of support from our community and am super excited for the next two weeks!
Just a couple quick pānui:
-- pick up and drop off times have been sent via email. Please check to ensure you have the info needed. This is purely for security of our young people and to ensure no-one is left behind at a venue etc.
-- if you missed the Friday 27th sign up deadline and still want to come/send your rangatahi -- please message me or email me prior to drop off. We need accurate numbers to ensure our ratios are safe for all of our activities.
-- Please send your young people with a packed lunch if possible on the first day and with a filled reusable water bottle each day. We're having a picnic on the Dunes Trail on the Monday so any extra baking and snacks are welcome!
-- Hats, sunblock, medication etc is a must too please
Lastly -- if you need me -- I'll have my phone on at all times. My number is in the email or message me on Facebook.
Ngā mihi anō!!!