Open Collective
Open Collective
Hello again Toronto!
Published on October 14, 2022 by Ryan

The excitement of these early days is so invigorating!

In the previous post we talked about finances and websites, and we have an update on both!

First, we are celebrating our first official sponsor, Opolis! Thank you Opolis and thank you Joshua! The importance and impact of your visionary early support cannot be overstated. Thank you!

Second, as of today all three domains are correctly configured and honestly hosting!
and dearest to our hearts
techpizzamondays.eth - accessible at
(Content updates to our .eth are delayed many hours compared to our instantaneous .org, but 'The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.')

This coming Monday we'll be welcoming Joshua and Opolis to Toronto as special guests of honour, and we'll be distributing our first POAP to our pizza enjoyers to commemorate this historic occasion!

Our next technical adventure will be around automating Stable Diffusion for generating a weekly POAP. 
What other technical adventures do you want to get involved in? How can Tech Pizza Mondays heighten your satisfaction and enjoyment? Let's jam on it together!

See you next Monday <3

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