Open Collective
Open Collective
Update: We spilled beyond our goal!
Published on July 3, 2024 by Pooja Kishinani

Here at ten, we are deeply grateful to friends and strangers alike for sporulating with us by participating in our fundraising campaign. We are thrilled to share that we have raised $9,000 USD via the abundance and generosity of our unbelievable community! 

A tremendous thank you for journeying with us into the generative contagion of sporulation to imagine the new: the new that we do not yet know... landscapes we don't know how to articulate yet, fugitive futures that are not yet legible.

With your support, we are seeding planetary exercises for emergence and postactivism. We are dreaming up a hybrid translocal festival in late October to experiment with nourishing ways of gathering to grieve, celebrate, and become undone together. We cannot wait to share more details about this monstrous festival in the coming weeks.

If you haven't already, please do sign up for our quarterly newsletter, The Loom, to receive updates about the various portals to entangle and engage in postactivist practice with us: 

Thank you, once again, for breathing life into ten's impossible dreams!