Open Collective
Open Collective
Wonder Hub - The Future of Learning Constitution
Published on August 30, 2023 by Marlena Woolford

Wonder Hub - The Future of Learning Constitution

Constitution adopted on the 29th August 2023

1.     The Association and its property will be administered and managed in accordance with the provisions in this constitution.

2.     The Association's name is Wonder Hub - The Future of Learning

3.     The Association's correspondence address:

          Wonder Hub

124 City Road



4.     The Associations contact email: [email protected]

5.     The Association is a not-for-profit organisation.

6.     The Association directors are:

Marlena Woolford

(full legal name: Marlena Elzbieta Czarnecka-Woolford)


Michelle Louise Zaher

7.     Objectives

Wonder Hub’s objectives are:

i)      To create and provide a dedicated space for home-educated Children 10 years old and over within South East London.

ii)     To provide a safe space for children (10+) and teenagers to be able to socialize.

iii)    To support children and young persons' social and emotional development.

iv)   To provide weekly educational workshops in line with the educational outcomes, aspirations and interests expressed by the home-educated children and their families.

v)  To maximize hands on learning opportunities for young people.

vi)  To prepare young people for their adult lives by empowering them to make choices and build awareness of the needs of communities, society and the planet.

vii)  To support their progress within their own learning journey.

viii) To ensure no one is excluded from our project due to income, and/or protected characteristics status.

ix)   Promote family well-being and prioritize children’s welfare.

x)  Provide accurate information, advice and guidance to families about elective home education, and wider educational opportunities within the local area.

xi)   Build up partnerships with local businesses, colleges, and universities to assist with facilitating workshops, work experience, and career advice in a child-led trickle-up education style.

8.     Powers

The Association has power to do anything which is calculated to further its objective(s) or is conducive or incidental to doing so. In particular, the association has power:

i)      To raise funds. In doing so, the association must not undertake any taxable permanent trading activity and must comply with any relevant statutory regulations.

ii)     To buy, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and to maintain and equip it for use;

iii)    To co-operate with other organisations, charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities and to exchange information and advice with them;

iv)   To employ and remunerate such staff as are necessary for carrying out the work of the Association.

v)     Staff and volunteers of Wonder Hub – The Future of Learning (the Association) are entitled to be reimbursed from the property of the association or may pay out of such property reasonable expenses incurred by him/her/they when acting on behalf of the association.

vi)   To pay out of the Association funds the costs of forming and registering the association as a Community interest company.

9.     Application of income and property

i)      A director is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of the association or may pay out of such property reasonable expenses properly incurred by him/her/they when acting on behalf of the association.

ii)     None of the income or property of the association may be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend bonus or otherwise by way of profit to any member of the association.

iii)    This does not prevent staff/ volunteers of the association from receiving reasonable and proper remuneration for any goods or services supplied to the association:

·       providing the amount of the payment for the goods does not exceed what is reasonable in the circumstances for the supply of the goods in question;

·       providing the amount for remuneration of services is set out in writing.

10.   General meetings

i)      An annual general meeting will be held on an annual basis.

ii)     An annual general meeting must be held in each subsequent year and not more than 15 months may elapse between annual general meetings.

iii)    At least 6 weeks notice will be given to members and beneficiaries of the next annual general meeting.

iv)   The constitution will be reviewed by the association staff and volunteers in collaboration with the beneficiaries (attending home educated children and their families) of the Association at the annual general meeting to ensure it remains current and any amendments that may be required will be discussed and agreed upon at this annual meeting.

v)     A financial report will be available at each annual general meeting.

vi)   The directors may call a general meeting at any time.

vii)   Minutes of all general meetings will be kept for 6 years.

11.   Directors

A director must be a natural person aged 16 years or older

The minimum number of directors shall be 2 but (unless otherwise determined by ordinary resolution) shall not be subject to any maximum.

12.   Dissolution:

The directors of the Association may at any time before and in expectation of its dissolution resolve that any net assets of the Association after all its debts and liabilities have been paid, or provision has been made for them, shall on or before the dissolution of the Association be applied or transferred in any of the following ways:

i)      Directly for the Objectives; or

ii)     By transfer to any charities, or not for profit organisations for purposes similar to the Objectives; or

iii)    To any charity or charities or not for profit organisations for use for particular purposes that fall within the Objectives.