Tiptap Stable Version, Tiptap Collab & Hocuspocus 2.0.0 are out!
We set ourselves some bold goals this year and are delivering with our biggest releases yet.
Tiptap Editor Stable Release
We have released the 2.0.0 stable version of the Tiptap Editor. After 24 months in beta and a challenging last year, we have taken Tiptap to the next level! From now on, semantic versioning applies. The Tiptap editor is now an adult.
Become a Tiptap Pro and access all our extensions and services.
Tiptap Collab Release
After six months of work, we finally announce the launch of Tiptap Collab, the Plug'n'Play real-time synchronization and collaboration cloud for your app. It's Hocuspocus on steroids in the cloud.
All you need is a Tiptap Pro account and a few lines of code in your Tiptap editor, and everything is in sync. No matter what content you've stored in your Tiptap editor, it's that simple:And guess what? You can use Tiptap Collab with every app!
Since Tiptap Collab is based on Yjs, you can use it for every application, as long as you use Yjs. It’s done with a few lines of code in your app:Get access to the beta of Tiptap Collab as a Tiptap Pro user and start with true collaboration on your editor now.
Hocuspocus 2.0.0 Release
After the stable release in January 2023, Hocuspocus gets its first major version update with the new core feature called “Multiplexing”. Multiplexing allows you to synchronize multiple documents over the same websocket connection. This is especially useful when working with multiple documents at the same time and will make this experience even faster.