Open Collective
Open Collective
Migrating Away from TrueCharts on TrueNAS SCALE
Published on October 28, 2024 by Kjeld

With the release of TrueNAS SCALE Electric Eel, and the final removal of support for third-party Apps on TrueNAS, its time for people to decide where to migrate their TrueCharts on TrueNAS SCALE Apps.

Our go-to solution is: A real Kubernetes cluster, setup through our ClusterTool (currently in Release Candidate status).
However for some people, moving to a real Kubernetes cluster to keep using TrueCharts is too-much to ask.

Hence we've now also published our instructions on how to use our tools, to export the SCALE-App GUI configuration into simply textfiles.
Which can then be used to either move to iX-Systems Apps or Docker-Compose, without any issues