Open Collective
Open Collective

Monthly Maintainer

Support us with a monthly contribution to help advance our work.

Our team is ready. Help us launch.
In the past year we have self-funded our concept and tested prototypes. We now need financial resources to execute and launch. Can you make a monthly contribution? £10, £20, £45, £150 or something more? 

These are unprecedented times.
With COVID-19 there is even greater need for what we are building. We have been inundated with requests for our platform. Please help us launch Tula sooner.

Tula makes it easy to facilitate groups in virtual space.
Find out more about


Goal £10,000 GBP / mo.


2 individuals have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!


Monthly Maintainer

£240 GBP

Would love to see Tula online soon! Thanks for ...

Wendy Ball

Monthly Maintainer

£20 GBP

£10,000 GBP / mo. goal

