Open Collective
Open Collective
UCR Update Preview - Version v3.5.0
Published on August 10, 2024 by Federico Cosma

UncomplicatedCustomRole Feature Preview - v3.5.0

Good evening folks, I'm here to bring you an exclusive preview of the changelog accompanying the new version of UCR v3.5.0 that will be released at 00:30 on 11/08!

Here we will have a chance to go over the most important additions and explain them better, pending an update of the wiki.

What's new

  • Added the SpawnPoint feature
    One of the most important features that v3.5.0 adds is definitely the ability to define SpawnPoints for CustomRoles.
    Through the new ucr spawnpoint command you will be able to create, delete and manage them!
    SpawnPoints work dynamically and are tied to the room, so even when the map changes (usually every round) the SpawnPoint will always be in the exact same spot where it was defined, same room!
    You will be able to spawn CustomRoles in a SpawnPoint, unfortunately the ability to choose a random one is not yet available but who knows in the future...
    SpawnPoints are saved on the UCS cloud and are tied to the IP and port of the server, currently to prevent abuse of this system a limit of 35 SpawnPoints per port and a maximum of 10 SpawnPoints configurations per IP has been imposed!
  • New loading and saving of CustomRoles
    In this version we have changed the system of saving and loading CustomRoles: whereas previously each file contained a list (or array) of CustomRoles now each file contains one and only one CustomRole.
    This is to improve both YAML encoding and decoding performance but also to make life easier for server owners!
    Don't worry, even if your file still has the list (or array) the plugin itself will take care of converting it seamlessly by editing the file with the new version!
  • Updated the role_after_escape param
    To make this configuration parameter more user-friendly but at the same time not to go overloading the configuration too much, we made a small change: now the parameter is no longer a string but an object (Dictionary) that contains all possible cases: in fact the syntax is <condition>: <result>.
    default or cuffed by <InternalTeam / CustomRole> <TeamName or RoleId>.
    <source> <id> -> <InternalRole / CustomRole> <RoleName (RoleTypeId) or CustomRoleId>
    You should check the example on Discord!
  • Added the CreditTags feature
    To thank all those who have contributed -through donation or through programming- to the project will now get the recognition they deserve!
    CreditTags are managed by our central server so they will be updated even without the need to update the plugin.
    Of course you can disable this feature but please don't: we all work for free on the project, at least leave us some recognition!
  • Updated is_friend_of!
    We also got our hands on is_friend_of to improve it, in fact it now works correctly anyway! (at least it should)
    However, now it has become a list (array) of Teams and no longer a string with commas!
  • Added the custom_inventory_limits param
    You will now be able to reduce (BUT NOT INCREASE!) the maximum number of items in a certain category that a CustomRole can take and have!
  •  Added the chance to hide the role's badge by adding @hidden at the end of the name 
  • Added placeholders for nicknames %unitname% and %unitid%

Bug fix

  •  Fixed the error bug in OnRoundStarted and OnSpawning method
  • Fixed the max_players bug
  • Fixed the bug of is_friend_of
  • Fixed the infinite effect system
  • Fixed the infinite effect assign system
  • Fixed the inventory and custom_items_inventory skill issue that prevent them from being applied
  • Fixed the ucrlogs bug that causes the server to freeze: now the operation is async
  • Fixed the bug on OnVerified (for CreditTags)
  • Fixed the %nick% bug
  • Fixed the bug that override a local tag with an UCS global one
  • Fixed bug that did not allow a player to be a customrole more than once per round 
  • Addressed the custom_info format bug -> NW fault :(
  • Fixed the role_appearance bug (as far as I could) 
  • Fixed the spawn from the revival of SCP-049 
  • Fixed the fact that ammo were falling out at the CustomRole spawn 


As we have been doing lately we have also created a converter to convert roles from v3.0.0 to v3.5.0!
In case you are using a role generated from one of the pre-releases of v3.5.0 unfortunately the converter will not convert the role for you but you will have to do it by hand!

CustomRole example

In the message in the VIPs-only channel I will also put you an example of a new role (v3.5.0), hoping it will help you!

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this preview!

- FoxWorn
| [email protected]