Open Collective
Open Collective
Introduction to Potential Donors
Published on April 8, 2020 by James Gwertzman

Thank you for considering supporting this campaign. We are heartened by the time, resources, and energy our volunteers have spent on making sure our front line healthcare workers are taken care of during this pandemic. So many people have stepped up to share their love and labor to get us to where we are now. It’s been a wild ride so far, and we’re just two weeks in!

We are raising funds to purchase materials to print 3D face shields for front line healthcare workers, and to help reimburse the costs of collecting, assembling, cleaning, and distributing these shields out to those workers.

Since this effort started…

  • Volunteers have driven hundreds of miles to do pickups and deliveries throughout the state.
  • Our makers have been using their own resources and funds to make, sanitize, and deliver nearly 1,600 face shields to various hospitals in Washington state (more than 200/day).
  • We’ve successfully made deliveries to healthcare workers at the following medical facilities (note: Due to privacy reasons and hospital regulations, we are unable to disclose specific names of individual but know they are deeply grateful for the efforts of this group): Valley Medical Center (IM/ICU), Swedish Hospital, First Hill (ANESTH), Swedish Hospital, Edmonds (RN ICU), Swedish Hospital, Cherry HIll, Yakima Heart Clinic, Harborview Medical center, Evergreen Hospital (RN), Highline Hospital, St. Anthony’s, Community Healthcare, Everett Clinic COVID test sites
  • We have a growing backlog of more than 5,000 unfilled requests – but the number of makers printing as part of this effort keeps growing as well.
  • We’ve had over 100 hours of conference calls to coordinate logistics and determine the ways we can unblock our volunteers in their efforts to help frontline workers.

What will we be using the funds for?

We will be using the fund to buy supplies for our makers, including 3D printing filaments, elastic bands, and face shield material, as well as to reimburse material purchase expenses already made on behalf of the group. By buying in bulk, we can get the best pricing, and help makers keep printing who might not otherwise be able to continue purchasing and donating their own materials. We will also use these funds to reimburse driving costs of our gang of "road warriors" who collect and distribute the printed shields.

Our current costs are roughly $1 per shield in supplies, though we're looking at options to reduce this cost further.

Since all our makers are based in Washington State, we have been focused on supplying PPEs to the doctors here. However, we recognize that there are dire needs across the country and we have received requests from medical providers in our networks outside of Washington. We are looking now at where we can help outside WA, whether by sharing knowledge, or sharing resources or supplies.

Who are we?

The group behind this effort is a diverse coalition of helpers, mostly from the greater Seattle region. Most of us didn’t know each other before this group brought us together. Many of us work in technology at local companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Boeing. This group has grown very quickly – from nothing to nearly 400 members in just two weeks. It’s been quite the roller coaster!

I personally joined this group less than a week ago, attracted by the idea of doing something constructive to help with the Covid-19 medical crisis, and happy to put my 3D printer to productive use. I am happy to now be serving as treasurer, and take very seriously the responsibility of making sure that any money raised on our behalf be spent wisely and in accordance with the intention of this campaign – to help produce personal protection equipment for frontline medical workers. In my day job, I am a general manager at Microsoft, but I have also founded and led several start-up companies, as well as leading the first Hour of Code campaign at I understand the challenge of scaling a new organization very quickly, and am proud to be able to put my experience to use here.

How can you help?

You can help in several ways:

  • You can contribute to this campaign -- we will use the funds to purchase supplies and help expand our network of makers.
  • You can join our group of makers printing shields! Just visit our FB page where we are coordinating efforts at

Thank you for considering giving to this campaign!

The entire team of the Washington State 3D Face Shield Hub

James Gwertzman (Treasurer)