Open Collective
Open Collective
Full time work: week 1 update
Published on September 17, 2023 by yayuyokitano

Greetings everyone! The first week of full time work on web scrobbler is over. First of all, a distribution of time spent:

Creating discord rich presence: 14:07:39
Recovering on reload/update: 8:13:05
Create new controller state: 5:03:31
Improve CI: 4:19:29
Fix Safari ListenBrainz login: 1:52:14
Other: 1:41:29
Overhaul login: 1:24:40
Code review: 0:28:21
Documentation: 0:22:06
Exploring issues: 0:03:51

Total: 37:36:25 (excluding breaks)
I have additionally done some occasional comments outside work hours, but nothing major.

To explain the time usage a little bit, let’s go down the list:

Creating rich presence was estimated to take about 2 days, but it will probably get closer to 2.5-3 days in the end. The rich presence is mostly complete, with only a couple of small adjustments left. Most of the logic is written in rust with a solidjs/typescript frontend using tauri, and it can run from the system tray without a window if you just click close on the window. Remaining is mainly just to add an option on whether to use track art or not, and then wait for the login overhaul to be completed before we are ready to publish.

Recover on reload/update: This is done, and pretty much ready to merge! No real caveats here, it just does its thing automatically.

Create new controller state: Between the state itself and the button to scrobble anyway, I believe I estimated this to take about 3-5 days. That turned out to be a massive overestimation! After 5 hours of work, this is fully functional, and we are just working out some of the minor details before this will be merged.

Improve CI: Having worked on this for about half a day, it’s in a much better spot. There’s still more work to do as we need to do a bit of debugging, fix up some github actions, and upload some packages, but overall I would say this is on good track. We have already merged stricter typechecking to the CI pipeline this week.

Fix Safari ListenBrainz login: Self-explanatory, it has been merged.

Other: This portion has mainly gone towards testing the extension on safari and going through the process to get 3.2.0 released on safari for macos and ios. It is now up on both with the aforementioned patch that was discovered during testing.

Overhaul login: A login section for webhooks has been made for the website and is awaiting merge. This is part one of the login overhaul, but most of the work is yet to be done here.

Documentation: Mostly did some documentation on getting debug logs, as how to do this drastically changed with the release of 3.2.0, as many more debug logs are now disabled by default.

If you have any further questions let me know. Thank you for your support, and talk to you next weekend!