Open Collective
Open Collective
Funding Campaign Update
Published on September 9, 2023 by yayuyokitano

Greetings, thank you for your support!

As a lot of you may have already noticed, we have reached past $1500 gathered. We are very grateful, and honestly a bit surprised that we got such a response!
This means that I will be working full time on Web Scrobbler for at least one month, and we plan to start that month this Monday, on the 11th of September.
Before that, I want to communicate with you all about how it will work, and get input from you all, as your money is what makes this possible in the first place.

First of all, one month means I will work starting on the 11th of September until and including the 10th of October. Full time will be according to ordinary Norwegian labor hours. This means 8 hours per day of which 30 minutes is lunch from monday to friday. That is, 7.5 hours of work, 30 minutes of break. If I want to or see it necessary I may work overtime at no additional cost, but I will not do so on command. I will generally work around a set of core hours from 11am to 3pm CEST. I will have to take an extended break in the middle of the day on the 12th and the 14th, but will be reaching the same number of hours regardless. If something occurs that sees me unable to work in the usual manner on any given day, I will notify on opencollective, and state how I plan to make the hours back up.

I will do some basic timekeeping (probably through toggl), and will publish a basic report of time spent and what was done every weekend for the sake of transparency. I may not always go into specifics beyond simple categories like "code review" and "documentation" etc, but there will be room to ask and I will respond (if I remember). But overall I am trying to strike a balance between having minimal overhead spent on timekeeping and being able to be transparent about what I am doing with the time.

We have some goals for what we want done through this month. These goals are not necessarily set in stone, and we are very open to suggestions if there are some things you want to see more heavily prioritized:

- Recover after updates - manifest V3 seems to update more aggressively than V2 and it's causing the extension to break. Workaround this. I have no idea how long this will take, it might be an hour it might be a week, but it probably won't be continuous work, more like occasionally trying a new idea while working on something else. Existing draft PR: #3820.
- Fix CI to be stricter and more consistent. This will increase the confidence we can have in our code, and reduce the time we need to spend checking code before merging. est. 1-2 days.
- Improve login UX - currently login for several services is very clunky (basically every service except lastfm and librefm), and could use some changes for user friendliness. est. 2-3 days.
- Create an official discord rich presence utility - this would be a separate program and repository, but I think it is something a decent chunk of our userbase would want. est. 2 days
- Add scrobble caching - cache scrobbles (both ones that actually happened and ones that were ignored) for the user to edit and submit if relevant. I believe this will completely change the way users interact with web scrobbler (for the better). rough est. 1-2 weeks (may be longer to really polish it up)
- Create a separate popup state for tracks skipped because of settings such as not scrobbling podcasts, not scrobbling anything except music category, etc. I think this gives much better user feedback. est. 2-3 days.
  - Add "scrobble anyway" to above mentioned popup. est. 1-2 days.

Any remaining time will be dedicated to general code improvements, documentation, and random connector additions. Additionally, I will interact with issues and PRs and questions on discord throughout the time spent working.

The list above is not in any particular order of priority.

Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward to your feedback! (I really hope I posted this in a way where it is possible to reply to it, if not that would be embarassing. If it isn't possible I'll try to set up an opencollective conversation or something, so have a look at our opencollective page! And of course you can always talk to us through our discord server regardless of what it is)
❤️  4🎉  3🚀  1

Se Tsi

Posted on September 9, 2023

Thank you man! We love what you do and are happy to see it even cooler! 
❤️  1