Open Collective
Open Collective
👀 Looking for hosts for a second location! 👀
Published on March 28, 2023 by Erika

We are looking for hosts within Weber County that would enthusiastically support a community fridge on their property!

A few requirements from our end would be that the fridge is accessible 24/7 to the public and is not monitored. There would also need to be consistent access to electricity, and ideally underneath an overhang or willing to allow us to put a structure around the fridge to protect it from the elements.

Hosts do not have to be actively involved in maintaining the fridge - this includes tasks like cleaning and monitoring inventory - the Weber Fridge organizing committee and community members take care of this part!

If someone thinks they might know of a good host site, we encourage them to get in touch by email - [email protected] - and we are happy to see if it would be a good fit!
In solidarity,
Weber Fridge Organizing Committee 🍉

March 28th, 2023
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