Whittling Day (CANCELLED)
Learn to carve something, using whittling knives. Spoon, spinning top, mushroom, spatula or something else. You may have time to make a couple of items (bring a packed lunch). Under 18s must be accompanied, minimum age: 10
Monday, August 26, 2024, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (UTC+00:00)
Fiscal Host: Lancaster and Morecambe Makers

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Whittling Day (CANCELLED)
Updates on our activities and progress.
Event cancellation
We are very sorry to inform you that we've had to cancel this event for lack of interest (2/10 tickets sold). I'll send you a full refund in the next few minutes. You are welcome to come down on any Wednesday open evening (6:30-8:30pm) to t...
Published on August 19, 2024 by Bil Bas

Lancaster And Morecambe Makers (LAMM)
Our team

Transparent and open finances.
Debit from Whittling Day (CANCELLED) to Guest •
Contribution #773008
Credit from Guest to Whittling Day (CANCELLED) •
Contribution #773008
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
--.-- GBP
Total disbursed
--.-- GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP