Open Collective
Open Collective
Moving to Open Collective
Published on April 25, 2024 by Jeremy @gospelofchange

So here we are at Open Collective(OC). For those of you not familiar with OC it enables any group to setup a virtual bank account and is a major innovation especially for activist groups. 

We’ll be in somewhat of a holding pattern until we gather the requisite quorum of 12 participants and €7200 to fund the production. We have 7/12 but are only at 1/3 of funds. 

While we wait we’ll be offering participants with the content of an online course we’re creating to enable async learning. We’ll also provide you with some “Simple Ethnography” field assignments to help you get started assessing where you may be able to apply the LS you’ll learn. Make sure you’re in the TG group for the most up-to date information!