Open Collective
Open Collective

Invoice #124185 to Manhood Peninsula Action Group

WordPress support

Invoice #124185

Submitted by Joan FosterApproved by Louise Goldsmith

Feb 20, 2023

Invoice items
Website Update
Date: February 3, 2023
£25.00 GBP

Total amount £25.00 GBP

Additional Information

payout method

Bank account

By Joan Fosteron
Expense created
By Louise Goldsmithon
Expense approved
By The Social Change Neston
Expense scheduled for payment
By The Social Change Neston
Expense processing
By The Social Change Neston
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £25.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Manhood Peninsula Action Group: £25.00

Collective balance
£175.58 GBP

Fiscal Host
The Social Change Nest

Expense policies
Manhood Peninsula Action Group (MPAG)
Expenses Policy:
Any voluntary contributions to MPAG will be spent wisely and in line with MPAG’s aims. Any grant funding will be spent in line with the grant makers’ guidelines.
Expenses will generally be incurred under the following headings:

1.     Software Costs – website licenses etc.
2.     Videos and design work
3.     Printing – posters and banners
4.     Distribution – mailing costs
5.     Consultant fees
6.     Legal fees
7.     Room-hire
8.     Stationery
Any expense will normally have been approved by the MPAG Committee before it is incurred. 
Expenses will only be paid if there is enough income to cover the expenses within the MPAG account.
Expenses must be documented with a receipt or an invoice and approved by the MPAG administrators. Any queries should be emailed to [email protected]
Expenses will only be paid by BACS. No payments will be made in cash.
MPAG is made up of volunteers, there are no expenses or disbursements paid to officers or subscribers or friends of MPAG. However, in exceptional circumstances, such as speaking at a National Event, then, subject to advance agreement from the MPAG Committee, a travel and subsistence expense may be considered. Mileage charges will be on the basis of the Inland Revenue approved rates.
Approved MPAG Committee 22 June 2021 



How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

£175.58 GBP