Pi Day
Published on March 14, 2022 by acqua
Today is March 14th, or 3.14, celebrated as Pi Day. Not just the circumference of a circle, not just the birthday of Einstein, not just the day we celebrate science and scientists. Pi Day is the traditional day for funding Tech oriented projects.
Fund XR's Tech Upgrade Mission Control with cryptocurrency here: https://gitcoin.co/grants/4853/extinction-rebellion-tech-development
Donate amounts in Pi decimal points even .314 ETH would go a long way in this quadratic funding round. Quadratic funding multiplies both the amount received and the number of donors to reach the final amount. Hundreds of small donations have a massive impact so every little helps big!
0.314; 3.14; 31.41; 314.15; 3,141.59; 31,415.92; 3.141592653589...
Fund XR's Tech Upgrade Mission Control with cryptocurrency here: https://gitcoin.co/grants/4853/extinction-rebellion-tech-development
Donate amounts in Pi decimal points even .314 ETH would go a long way in this quadratic funding round. Quadratic funding multiplies both the amount received and the number of donors to reach the final amount. Hundreds of small donations have a massive impact so every little helps big!
0.314; 3.14; 31.41; 314.15; 3,141.59; 31,415.92; 3.141592653589...