Summary year 2022.
Published on December 25, 2022 by Wilmer Arambula
Greetings from all YiiFramework team, we’ll recap this year 2022. The world always brings us some surprises: after having overcome the COVID pandemic, on February 24, 2022 the war between Russia and Ukraine began. This fact significantly affected our team that has Russian and Ukrainian citizens. Personally it has been hard for them, but despite all the obstacles, we have been able to get ahead, thanks to the commitment we have with our users. They are undoubtedly the greatest motivation for us. We are going to describe our achievements this year and also give a small idea of what the next year 2023 will bring us.
Let’s start with Yii1. Despite having finished its life cycle, we received a total of 163 bug fix commits. It should be noted that full support for PHP 8.1 was provided, In total we had two releases (1.1.26-sep, 1.1. 27-Nov).Yii1 has maintained during this 2022 an average of 1.6k monthly downloads. Thanks to our contributors for their great work:
* Andre Swanepoel
* andres101
* Arhell
* Chris Sears
* Ihor Sychevskyi
* Ivan Sinkarenko
* Jonathan Argentão
* Ken Guest
* Marco Berger
* Maxim
* Olle Haerstedt
* Tommy
* Wendel Fabiano Ribeiro da Silva
* Дилян Палаузов
In Yii2 this year 2022 there were a significant number of bug fixes. 266 commits were made, 3 releases (2.0.45-feb, 2.0.46-aug, 2.0.47-nov), full support for PHP 8.1 was achieved. Yii2 has maintained an average of 8K monthly downloads. By next year 2023 we hope to be able to support PHP 8.2, as well as continue making bug fixes, thanks to our code contributors as well as github sponsors and open collective, especially:
* Adnan
* Aldo Karendra
* Aleksandr Dokin
* Alex
* Alexey
* Andrew
* Andrew Dawes
* Anton
* Ar Rakin
* Arkeins
* Artem Manchenkov
* Aurélien Chretien
* Azizbek
* Basil
* Ben Croker
* Bilal
* Brandon Kelly
* charescape
* Daniel Becker Alves
* Dmitrijlin Dmitry
* eecjimmy
* ErickSkrauch
* Etienne Bruines
* Evgeniy Tkachenko
* FordSmh
* Ihor Sychevskyi
* impayru
* jef348
* Jiepeng Cao
* Kenjebaev Sag'indiq
* lmsmartins
* Long TRAN
* lubosdz
* Maher Al Ghoul
* MarkoNV
* Marperia
* Mehdi Achour
* Michael Härtl
* Miguel Useche
* Moritz L'Hoest
* nadar
* Nekrasov Ilya
* ntesic PowerGamer1
* qqqq
* Rene Saare
* rhertogh
* Roguyt
* Roman
* Roman Grinyov
* Safuan
* Samuele Renati
* Sartor
* Ondřej Vašíček
* sergkash7
* Somogyi Márton
* stevekr
* Tobias Munk
* Toir Tuychiev
* twinpigs
* Vasilis Lourdas
* Victor Shumeyko
* Vitalii Rybalko
* Vitaly
* Winus van Heumen
Now it is the turn of Yii3. The big question is when is the release? the answer is very simple, Yii3 already exists, Alexander Makarov together with several members of the Yii2 team thought of Yii3 as a series of agnostic packages, which allow to interact with any Framework, and the union of all these, is what we know as Yii3. You can see the progress of Yii3 here: As we can see, Yii3 is currently made up of 121 packages, of which there are already 79 with stable versions, that is 65%, the list of packages with release are:
* yiisoft/access
* yiisoft/aliases
* yiisoft/arrays
* yiisoft/assets
* yiisoft/auth
* yiisoft/auth-jwt
* yiisoft/cache
* yiisoft/cache-apcu
* yiisoft/cache-file
* yiisoft/cache-memcached
* yiisoft/cache-redis
* yiisoft/cache-wincache
* yiisoft/config
* yiisoft/cookies
* yiisoft/csrf
* yiisoft/data-response
* yiisoft/definitions
* yiisoft/di
* yiisoft/dummy-provider
* yiisoft/error-handler
* yiisoft/event-dispatcher
* yiisoft/factory
* yiisoft/files
* yiisoft/friendly-exception
* yiisoft/html
* yiisoft/http
* yiisoft/yii-widgets
* yiisoft/i18n
* yiisoft/injector
* yiisoft/json
* yiisoft/log
* yiisoft/log-target-email
* yiisoft/log-target-file
* yiisoft/log-target-syslog
* yiisoft/mailer
* yiisoft/mailer-symfony
* yiisoft/middleware-dispatcher
* yiisoft/mutex
* yiisoft/mutex-file
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-mysql
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-oracle
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-pgsql
* yiisoft/mutex-redis
* yiisoft/network-utilities
* yiisoft/profiler
* yiisoft/proxy
* yiisoft/psr-dummy-provider
* yiisoft/rate-limiter
* yiisoft/rbac
* yiisoft/rbac-php
* yiisoft/rbac-rules-container
* yiisoft/request-body-parser
* yiisoft/router yiisoft/router-fastroute
* yiisoft/security
* yiisoft/session
* yiisoft/strings
* yiisoft/test-support
* yiisoft/translator
* yiisoft/translator-extractor
* yiisoft/translator-message-gettext
* yiisoft/translator-message-php
* yiisoft/user
* yiisoft/var-dumper
* yiisoft/view
* yiisoft/view-twig
* yiisoft/widget
* yiisoft/yii-bulma
* yiisoft/yii-console
* yiisoft/yii-docker
* yiisoft/yii-event
* yiisoft/yii-http
* yiisoft/yii-runner
* yiisoft/yii-runner-console
* yiisoft/yii-runner-http
* yiisoft/yii-runner-roadrunner
* yiisoft/yii-sentry
* yiisoft/yii-swagger
* yiisoft/yii-view
Currently the team is focused on releasing the validator, db, yii-debug, yii-gii, and yii-queue.
We are very excited to announce a first release of the Framework next year 2023, we hope to have the support of our sponsors, without you this work would be impossible, we ask you for an effort to maintain the open collective fund. This way we can continue working for further development.
What awaits us in 2023:
* More Yii1 and Yii2 releases.
* Open Collective Articles.
* Yii-Overview Articles.
* Yii3 Videos (Youtube).
* And most importantly, more stable versions of the missing Yii3 packages.
Let’s start with Yii1. Despite having finished its life cycle, we received a total of 163 bug fix commits. It should be noted that full support for PHP 8.1 was provided, In total we had two releases (1.1.26-sep, 1.1. 27-Nov).Yii1 has maintained during this 2022 an average of 1.6k monthly downloads. Thanks to our contributors for their great work:
* Andre Swanepoel
* andres101
* Arhell
* Chris Sears
* Ihor Sychevskyi
* Ivan Sinkarenko
* Jonathan Argentão
* Ken Guest
* Marco Berger
* Maxim
* Olle Haerstedt
* Tommy
* Wendel Fabiano Ribeiro da Silva
* Дилян Палаузов
In Yii2 this year 2022 there were a significant number of bug fixes. 266 commits were made, 3 releases (2.0.45-feb, 2.0.46-aug, 2.0.47-nov), full support for PHP 8.1 was achieved. Yii2 has maintained an average of 8K monthly downloads. By next year 2023 we hope to be able to support PHP 8.2, as well as continue making bug fixes, thanks to our code contributors as well as github sponsors and open collective, especially:
* Adnan
* Aldo Karendra
* Aleksandr Dokin
* Alex
* Alexey
* Andrew
* Andrew Dawes
* Anton
* Ar Rakin
* Arkeins
* Artem Manchenkov
* Aurélien Chretien
* Azizbek
* Basil
* Ben Croker
* Bilal
* Brandon Kelly
* charescape
* Daniel Becker Alves
* Dmitrijlin Dmitry
* eecjimmy
* ErickSkrauch
* Etienne Bruines
* Evgeniy Tkachenko
* FordSmh
* Ihor Sychevskyi
* impayru
* jef348
* Jiepeng Cao
* Kenjebaev Sag'indiq
* lmsmartins
* Long TRAN
* lubosdz
* Maher Al Ghoul
* MarkoNV
* Marperia
* Mehdi Achour
* Michael Härtl
* Miguel Useche
* Moritz L'Hoest
* nadar
* Nekrasov Ilya
* ntesic PowerGamer1
* qqqq
* Rene Saare
* rhertogh
* Roguyt
* Roman
* Roman Grinyov
* Safuan
* Samuele Renati
* Sartor
* Ondřej Vašíček
* sergkash7
* Somogyi Márton
* stevekr
* Tobias Munk
* Toir Tuychiev
* twinpigs
* Vasilis Lourdas
* Victor Shumeyko
* Vitalii Rybalko
* Vitaly
* Winus van Heumen
Now it is the turn of Yii3. The big question is when is the release? the answer is very simple, Yii3 already exists, Alexander Makarov together with several members of the Yii2 team thought of Yii3 as a series of agnostic packages, which allow to interact with any Framework, and the union of all these, is what we know as Yii3. You can see the progress of Yii3 here: As we can see, Yii3 is currently made up of 121 packages, of which there are already 79 with stable versions, that is 65%, the list of packages with release are:
* yiisoft/access
* yiisoft/aliases
* yiisoft/arrays
* yiisoft/assets
* yiisoft/auth
* yiisoft/auth-jwt
* yiisoft/cache
* yiisoft/cache-apcu
* yiisoft/cache-file
* yiisoft/cache-memcached
* yiisoft/cache-redis
* yiisoft/cache-wincache
* yiisoft/config
* yiisoft/cookies
* yiisoft/csrf
* yiisoft/data-response
* yiisoft/definitions
* yiisoft/di
* yiisoft/dummy-provider
* yiisoft/error-handler
* yiisoft/event-dispatcher
* yiisoft/factory
* yiisoft/files
* yiisoft/friendly-exception
* yiisoft/html
* yiisoft/http
* yiisoft/yii-widgets
* yiisoft/i18n
* yiisoft/injector
* yiisoft/json
* yiisoft/log
* yiisoft/log-target-email
* yiisoft/log-target-file
* yiisoft/log-target-syslog
* yiisoft/mailer
* yiisoft/mailer-symfony
* yiisoft/middleware-dispatcher
* yiisoft/mutex
* yiisoft/mutex-file
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-mysql
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-oracle
* yiisoft/mutex-pdo-pgsql
* yiisoft/mutex-redis
* yiisoft/network-utilities
* yiisoft/profiler
* yiisoft/proxy
* yiisoft/psr-dummy-provider
* yiisoft/rate-limiter
* yiisoft/rbac
* yiisoft/rbac-php
* yiisoft/rbac-rules-container
* yiisoft/request-body-parser
* yiisoft/router yiisoft/router-fastroute
* yiisoft/security
* yiisoft/session
* yiisoft/strings
* yiisoft/test-support
* yiisoft/translator
* yiisoft/translator-extractor
* yiisoft/translator-message-gettext
* yiisoft/translator-message-php
* yiisoft/user
* yiisoft/var-dumper
* yiisoft/view
* yiisoft/view-twig
* yiisoft/widget
* yiisoft/yii-bulma
* yiisoft/yii-console
* yiisoft/yii-docker
* yiisoft/yii-event
* yiisoft/yii-http
* yiisoft/yii-runner
* yiisoft/yii-runner-console
* yiisoft/yii-runner-http
* yiisoft/yii-runner-roadrunner
* yiisoft/yii-sentry
* yiisoft/yii-swagger
* yiisoft/yii-view
Currently the team is focused on releasing the validator, db, yii-debug, yii-gii, and yii-queue.
We are very excited to announce a first release of the Framework next year 2023, we hope to have the support of our sponsors, without you this work would be impossible, we ask you for an effort to maintain the open collective fund. This way we can continue working for further development.
What awaits us in 2023:
* More Yii1 and Yii2 releases.
* Open Collective Articles.
* Yii-Overview Articles.
* Yii3 Videos (Youtube).
* And most importantly, more stable versions of the missing Yii3 packages.
I would like to thank all backers and contributors for making Yii 3 possible. We are moving it forward together! ❤️
- CraftCMS - Great OpenSource Yii2-powered CMS.
- Onetwist Software - High-quality software development.
- SkillShare - Online learning community.
- dmstr - Docker-based cloud solutions.
- HumHub - OpenSource team communication solution.
- JetBrains - Awesome developer tools.
- Mighty - digital design and web technology company.
- Emberware - Digital transformation services.
- Dudesqare - Web studio.
- EFKO Group - Foodtech, food production, and a venture foundation.
- PELock - Software protection and software license key system.
- Italian Linux Society - The Italian association promoting Linux and Free and Open Source Software.
- Icons8 - Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools store.
There are more individuals and companies to be checked on the OpenCollective page.
Special thanks to AHost who both contributed to the foundation and sponsored a few months of Rustam Mamadaminov to develop Yii3.
Special thanks to AHost who both contributed to the foundation and sponsored a few months of Rustam Mamadaminov to develop Yii3.
The fund economically at this moment has only $140, we hope to be able to count on your support and to be able to obtain the necessary funds again, to further accelerate development, we thank you in advance.

On behalf of the entire Yii Framework team, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023, full of love and hope for everyone.
* Aleksei Gagarin
* Alexander Makarov
* Alexey Rogachev
* Andrii Vasyliev
* Carsten Brandt
* Dmitry Derepko
* Dmitry Naumenko
* Konstantin Sirotkin
* Marco van 't Wout
* Paweł Brzozowski
* Rustam Mamadaminov
* Sergei Predvoditelev
* Valerii Gorbachev
* Viktor Babanov
* WIlmer Arambula
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