Yii news 2021, issue 4
Published on December 30, 2021 by Alexander Makarov
Merry Christmas and happy New Year, everyone!
That's Alexander Makarov and a fresh Yii news issue.

There were not that much news issues this year. This one is fourth. But there definitely were many things done. Despite being a hard year, I think that overall progress is awesome:
- 2 Yii1 releases.
- 4 Yii2 releases.
- More than 50% Yii3 packages (including the most important and hard ones) released and many are about to be released.
We plan to begin next year with:
- More package releases.
- Performance optimization.
- Progress on the definitive guide.
- Website updates.
- Articles about using Yii3.
- And more.
Now, let's review interesting things since previous news issue.
The foundation allowed us to get Alexey Rogachev back on board. He was the team member in 2017 and helped a lot with Yii2. Currently, he's working on significantly enhancing API docs generation for Yii2 and updating website squashing bugs along the way. Likely he'll join Yii3 development next.
PHP 8.1
With PHP 8.1 release, we started to update Yii1, Yii2 and Yii3 to be compatible. The hardest part of making old PHPUnit to work with 8.1 was done by longthanhtran. Now we need some time to actually fix compatibility.
🔷 Yii 1
🔷 Yii 2
- Yii 2.0.44.
- Redis 2.0.16.
- Bootstrap5 2.0.2.
- Auth Client 2.2.12.
- Swiftmailer 2.1.3.
- Sphinx extension 2.0.14.
- Queue extension 2.3.3.
- Gii extension 2.2.4.
Both basic and advanced application templates got better PhpStorm auto-complete. Advanced template Vagrant was updated to PHP 7.4.
🔶 Yii 3
🎁 New package releases:
- Yii Console.
- Symfony mailer adapter.
- Redis adapter for cache.
- Middleware dispatcher and Middleware dispatcher 2.0.0.
- Definitions.
- Yii Dependency Injection.
- Yii HTTP.
- Factory.
- Widget.
- Yii Swagger.
- Config.
- Message extractor.
- User.
- Router and FastRoute adapter.
🎁 Package updates:
- Html 2.0.0, Html 2.1.0, Html 2.2.0.
- Mailer 3.0.0, SwiftMailer 3.0.0, and Email Log Target 3.0.0.
- View 2.1.0.
- View and Yii View Extension 3.0.
- View 4.0.0.
- Yii View 4.0.0.
- Mutex and adapters 1.1.0.
- CSRF 1.1.0 and CSRF 1.2.0.
- Arrays 2.0.0.
- VarDumper 1.2.0.
- Assets 2.0.0.
- i18n 1.1.0.
- Error handler 2.0.0.
- HTTP 1.2.0.
Package removals:
I have decided not to include patch releases in the list and not to post these at the website for now. Takes too much time and mostly these are of no big interest.
Other cool things:
- Demo got backend part.
- Demo got translations.
- Environment variables are now used.
- Cycle ORM 2.0 was released and there is a 2.0 branch in Yii integration.
- Debugger got rid of jQuery and got request and middleware panels.
- A concept of Yii runners was introduced.
- You can check Yii3 Chronicles Telegram channel for more.
📙 New and adjusted docs
📚 News, reading/watching recommendations
- The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation. I helped to set it up.
- Modern web apps without JavaScript bundling or transpiling.
- Fun with PHPUnit Data Providers.
- How opcache works.
- Compressed HTTP Requests with Curl and PHP.
- Early binding in PHP.
- Ensuring data(base) consistency during concurrent requests.
- How PHP Environment Variables Actually work.
- Composer and Contao for the Rest of the World.
- Work on PSR-21 started with Yii as part of the working group.
❤️ Thank you!
I would like to thank all backers and contributors for making Yii 3 possible. We are moving it forward together!
- CraftCMS - Great OpenSource Yii2-powered CMS.
- Onetwist Software - High-quality software development.
- SkillShare - Online learning community.
- Betteridge - Fine jewelry.
- dmstr - Docker-based cloud solutions.
- HumHub - OpenSource team communication solution.
- JetBrains - Awesome developer tools.
- Skin.Club - CS:GO skins market.
- EFKO Group - Foodtech, food production, and a venture foundation.
👍 Special thanks for Yii 3 code contributions goes to:
- Evgeniy Zyubin.
- Sergei Predvoditelev.
- Wilmer Arambula.
- yiiliveext.
- Rustam Mamadaminov.
- Viktor Babanov.
- Valerii Gorbachev.
- Dmitry Derepko.
- Alexey Chernousov.
- Aleksei Gagarin.
- Roman Tsurkanu.
- Mehdi Achour.
- Evgeniy Tkachenko.
- Alexander Nekrasov.
- Ben Ramsey.
- Pavel Afonin.
- Gerych1984.
- Aleksandr Bogatikov.
- solventt.
- Evgeniy Moiseenko.
- Tomasz Kane.
- Niger Andrey Poot May.
- perfectio.
- kriptogenic.
- Sameer S. R. Sood.
- Anton Fedonyuk.
- Mahmud Magomedov.
🎉 1👍️ 2🚀 1