Open Collective
Open Collective



Raise awareness about cyber threads and 0days


0xlab is all of us

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Blackhat hackers are greatest evil is a fallacy. The colour of the hat, defined by legality, doesn't make you neither better or worse. 

The ownership of malicious thread actors, defined with targets of a variety of scopes, consisting of red teams arsenal & SIEM (blue defence software) to bring a number of scenarios, tested by community to establish and achieve - 

  • The safe and unique environment utilising modern IDE's, open source, and knowledge for hackers to exploit and compromise virtualised interfaces, earn badges and points. Find the new security vulnerabilities
  • Raise awareness about cyberspace threats by explaining the breaches of a privacy such in way of a direct consequence of a keylogger, compromised password or social engineering and has nothing to do with the responsibility of a service provider
  • We humans, tend to label everything with good and bad, which is natural. Instead of cheering the two different ways to express the truth, we put them opposite and incompatible. Change that.
  • Bring the bug bounty campaigns to the next level by utilising the above tightly coupled with CTFs & hackathons

If you are the same minded and find yourself interested. Let's do it. Let's make the different Metasploit project - 0xLab. 


Our team