Open Collective
Open Collective
Gems from the book #1
Published on July 25, 2022 by Mihai

As part of our preparation for the book club, we've been browsing through Difficult Conversations for gems like this: 

When we view a difficult conversation as

A battle of messages

Then, my assumption is: “I know all I need to know to understand what happened.”
And my goal is: “persuade them I'm right.” 

But, when we shift into

A learning conversation

My assumption becomes: “each of us is bringing different information and perceptions to the table; there are likely to be important things that each of us doesn't know.”
And my goal becomes: “explore each other's stories: how we understand the situation and why.” (p. 18)

This resonates so much for me! Intention setting, and shining a spotlight on assumptions are some of my top tools for better communication and understanding. Moving out of competition and needing to be right / to win, and into actively wanting to understand and learn more about the full story.

I actually still have a book my mother gave me, called “Let's both win”
😬 That she gave me such a gift suggests she was keenly aware how much I needed to win arguments  😬 😇

It also reminds me of the ranking-linking frame. Take a look here if you'd like more information about it. (Thanks to Kate for the ranking/linking conversation, many years ago. Among others, it made visible my tendency to activate my inner “helper” in group dynamics.)