Open Collective
Open Collective


Host fee: 5%

A small but worldwide-recognized embedded firmware development consultancy, which leverages years of industry experience to provide innovative productized services.


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Latest activity by

Dasharo Entry Subscription for Network Appliance

The Dasharo Entry Subscription for Network Appliance grants access to the firmware updates for the Network Appliance line of devices supported by D... Read more

zł 133.84 PLN of zł 72,000 PLN raised (0%)

Starts at
zł 180 PLN

Latest activity by

Custom contribution
Qubes OS Summit 2024

Join us in making the Qubes OS Summit 2024 an unforgettable event. This summit is a three-day gathering of privacy and security enthusiasts, open-s... Read more

Starts at
zł 100 PLN

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Top financial contributors


209 PLN since Nov 2022


120 PLN since Apr 2024

Tom Hensel

46.54 PLN since Apr 2023

3mdeb is all of us

Our contributors 6

Thank you for supporting 3mdeb.


Dasharo Entry Subscription ...

zł 209 PLN


zł 120 PLN

Tom Hensel

Dasharo Entry Subscription ...

zł 47 PLN


Transparent and open finances.

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Credit from Matthew to 3mdeb

+zł 20.00PLN
Contribution #774593

Credit from Guest to 3mdeb

+zł 40.00PLN
Contribution #756361

Credit from Guest to 3mdeb

+zł 40.00PLN
Contribution #756361
Today’s balance

zł 196,695.10 PLN

Total income

zł 354.06 PLN

Total disbursed

-zł 196,341.04 PLN

Estimated annual budget

zł 607.22 PLN


We are a small but worldwide-recognized embedded firmware development consultancy that leverages years of industry experience to provide innovative solutions. We help hardware OEMs and ODMs to achieve the full potential, security, and reliability of delivered products through Dasharo open-source firmware distributions. Dasharo combines coreboot, EDKII (UEFI reference implementation), LinuxBoot, U-Boot, and other open-source firmware projects to provide clean and simple code, long-term maintenance, transparent validation, privacy-respecting implementation, liberty for the owners, and trustworthiness for all. We support the medical industry using Verified Boot and Secure Boot technologies for Real-Time Operating Systems and Embedded Linux. Hyper-scale cloud providers get our firmware design and security skills to secure their computing infrastructure. Trusted Computing and Trusted Execution Environment applications are used and developed by us every day. There is no embedded software, firmware, or close-to hardware-related challenge we would not consider. 

Our activity on high-profile professional conferences (Platform Security Summit, FOSDEM, Xen Developers Summit, and others), organization and co-organization of various events (Qubes OS mini-summit, GRUB2 mini-summit, LPC System Boot and Security Microconference) position us as a recognized community member and leader in evangelizing the use of open-source solutions. 

Over the years, the community recognized us as coreboot licensed service providers, UEFI Adopters, LVFS Consultants, and Yocto Participants and accepted our membership in OpenPOWER Foundation. 

Our team consists of passionate engineers and developers from open-source software, firmware, and hardware communities, frequent conference speakers, and people who love to tinker with bits. Every day we develop bleeding-edge low-level security solutions using top open-source frameworks. 

Our team