Accessibility Wars
AW provides guides, builds and tools to help guild wars 2 players with accessibility needs
Today's Balance
Website/Domain Costs
per year
Estimated Annual Budget

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Financial Contributions
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Accessibility Wars is all of us
Our contributors 3
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Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Incognito to Accessibility Wars •
Contribution #802282
Credit from Incognito to Accessibility Wars •
Contribution #802282
Credit from Mari to Accessibility Wars •
Contribution #828259
Today’s balance$36.89 CAD
Total income
$109.20 CAD
Total disbursed
$72.31 CAD
Estimated annual budget
$126.20 CAD

Accessibility Wars was created to provide a home and community for players of the Guild Wars 2 MMO that had accessibility needs.
Due to the dynamic nature of the game's build system, we have created tools and builds in order to support the needs of these players, primarily demonstrated on the aw2.help website.
Due to the dynamic nature of the game's build system, we have created tools and builds in order to support the needs of these players, primarily demonstrated on the aw2.help website.
Our team