Open Collective
Open Collective

ADHD Coder

Open source

ADHD Coder's powerful apps offer a unique and inclusive approach to mental health, empowering both those with mental health challenges and those in minority communities.


ADHD Coder is all of us

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ADHD Coder is a brand that is on a mission to create innovative mobile applications for those who are struggling with mental health, particularly ADHD, and those who are members of minority communities. The brand was founded with the belief that technology can play a critical role in providing accessible and inclusive mental health support to people from diverse backgrounds.

The idea behind ADHD Coder was born out of the personal experience of its founders, who have seen firsthand the struggles that come with managing ADHD and the lack of resources available to those who need them. The brand's creators understood that people with ADHD often face challenges related to focus and motivation, which can make it difficult to access mental health support. They also recognized that people from marginalized communities often face additional barriers to accessing healthcare services.

With this in mind, ADHD Coder set out to create user-friendly apps that provide evidence-based support to those who need it, and that are designed with inclusivity in mind. The brand aims to provide practical solutions to help people manage their mental health, such as mood tracking, goal setting, and meditation tools. Additionally, ADHD Coder's apps aim to promote representation and diversity by centering the experiences of minority communities.

Overall, ADHD Coder's purpose is to provide accessible and inclusive mental health support to those who need it the most. By leveraging the power of technology, the brand aims to break down barriers to mental health care and empower people to take control of their mental wellness.

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