
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from PyGAD to Ahmed Fawzy Gad •
Today’s balance$200.00 USD
Total income
$200.00 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Ahmed Fawzy Gad is a machine learning engineer and assistant lecturer who received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Information Technology. Ahmed works as a remote contributor for Paperspace and Fritz AI and has published over 80 technical tutorials. He has experience in Python and its data science tools including TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, and Scikiy-Learn.
He authored 4 books with titles
He authored 4 books with titles
- TensorFlow: A Guide to Build Artificial Neural Networks using Python (Labmert 2017)
- Practical Computer Vision Applications Using Deep Learning with CNNs (Apress, 2018)
- Building Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studio (Apress, 2019)
- Do Machine Learning Yourself with Python (LeanPub, 2019)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmedfgad
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ahmedfgad