Part of: EUI Researchers' Union
Fiscal Host: All For Climate
AltSOU is a grassroot series of non-elitist events that aim at fostering critical and intersectional debates on current political and social issues.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Eoghan Hussey to AltSOU •
Contribution #778876
-€23.90 EUR
from Siobhán Smith to AltSOU •
-€49.60 EUR
Today’s balance€269.74 EUR
Total raised
€723.24 EUR
Total disbursed
€453.50 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€767.84 EUR

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
AltSOU is all of us
Our contributors 13
Thank you for supporting AltSOU.
Give what you want!
€230 EUR
Eoghan Hussey
Give what you want!
€228 EUR
Benno Bastian...
Fund alternative futures!
€100 EUR
Fund alternative futures!
€100 EUR
Give what you want!
€30 EUR
Give what you want!
€20 EUR
Give what you want!
€10 EUR
Give what you want!
€10 EUR
Give what you want!
€10 EUR
Give what you want!
€10 EUR
Give what you want!
€10 EUR
Lorenzo Consegni
Give what you want!
€5 EUR

We want to be able to produce tangible critiques and alternatives.
We believe that another world is possible.
For more information: https://altsou.com/
With the AltSOU we wish to create an (un)conference that we as researchers shape from the very beginning. A space for us to gather and reflect on our role as researchers and academics, to engage with and archive our immanent and intersectional critique of the EUI and neo-liberal academia more broadly. A place that we hope may function as a counterpoint to the often insular and elitist discussions of academia; giving voice to the youth, to the marginalised, and to those often forgotten or silenced in the debates in and about Europe.
With the AltSOU we wish to create an (un)conference that we as researchers shape from the very beginning. A space for us to gather and reflect on our role as researchers and academics, to engage with and archive our immanent and intersectional critique of the EUI and neo-liberal academia more broadly. A place that we hope may function as a counterpoint to the often insular and elitist discussions of academia; giving voice to the youth, to the marginalised, and to those often forgotten or silenced in the debates in and about Europe.
We believe that the role of academia is to question the status quo and to analyse, highlight, and criticise power. We must offer visions and enable discourses about possible futures. The EUI should be a place for research excellency, as well as a place for diverse opinions and intense debate. It should not be content functioning as a think tank for the EU and its elites. It should not be a place where eurocentric, technocratic, and elitist positions are formed and strengthened.
Why are we raising money for?
How is altSOU organised?
AltSOU is organised by researchers on a volunteer based. AltSOU aims to create inclusive, non-hierachichal, non-elitist, democratic spaces for debate that are open to all beyond the university’s ivory tower. AltSOU activities are mostly taking place on the EUI campus and online, and make use of the university’ premises and equipement.
How is it funded?
AltSOU has no source of funding. However, some of our events are being sponsored by EUI faculty members who contributed with their research budget. This financial support allow us to cover the travel costs of some external speakers.
Why do we need money for?
AltSOU organisation involved some costs that are currently not covered:
- Logistical expenses (website, cost related to communication, design and printing)
- Travel costs and accomodation fees for external guests which are not already covered by other funding
- Meals for speakers and organisers during the altSOU
- Speaker fees for certain guests. (atlSOU organisers are concerned with the reproduction of structural and systemic inequalities. Therefore, we believe that external speakers who are in a precarious work position or currently unemployed should be compensated for their participation).
What if we have money left?
No worry, altSOU won’t accumulate capital! Any additional money will go towards enhancing our commitment to social justice causes and organising future altSOU events!
Today's Balance
Estimated Annual Budget