EUI Researchers' Union
Fiscal Host: All For Climate
The EUI Researchers' Union is a grassroots association representing PhD researchers at the European University Institute.

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Fundraising for International Women's Day and Feminist Week
AltSOU is a grassroot series of non-elitist events that aim at fostering critical and intersectio...
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The EUI Researchers' Union is a grassroots association representing PhD researchers at the European University Institute. It was founded in 2022 to provide a democratic forum for researchers to meet, discuss and take action to collectively address challenges. Despite being the largest group at the EUI, researchers' voices are often disregarded on issues that affect them. Part of the problem lies in the existing system of representation: a flawed arrangement where the presence of researchers in decision-making bodies only serves to legitimise decisions. The Union thus embodies a shared responsibility to create an inclusive and representative space, a living cell of democratic life at the university. We believe that a Researchers' Union is necessary to formulate proposals for the welfare of the members of the community, and to secure greater power to negotiate on the issues that affect us as researchers.