Open Collective
Open Collective
Next Work is Play weekend coming June 16-18
Published on June 9, 2023 by Heinz Robert

If you want to support the renovation of the sheep barn in a hands-on way consider to come to one of our Alversjö "Work is Play" weekends. It's a great way to connect with fun and like-minded people, hanging out during breakfast in the sun, dancing at the parties in the night, and of course, also work on one of the many projects.
The renovation of the sheep barn (if you have a better name for the building, we are open to change it) is just one of the things that are going on their. After about 25 years being an abandoned farm you probably can imagine how much old stuff there is to dispose and cleanup has to be done.
That said, you seem to be a supporter of the sheep barn and the next weekend I would love to continue to level the floor more and also look out for the sewage pipes of the bathroom where we don't know where they are going. They might be connected to the old septic tank which we are not allowed to use anymore. So a new system needs to be installed.

It also would be good to wash the walls in the former barn with a pressure washer so the dust, spider webs and smell from the sheep can slowly leave the building.

I also will be there end of June for the Midsommar celebration and the whole July to continue to work on the project.
I am looking forward to see you in Alversjö.