Open Collective
Open Collective
Amiberry March update
Published on March 5, 2022 by Dimitris Panokostas

Hi everyone,

Here's a list of changes since the last update, on the "master" branch:
  • Added a couple of new WHDBooter default options:
    • default_whd_writecache: controls if the WHDLoad WriteCache option will be enabled or not, by default. It defaults to No (same behavior as previously).
    • default_whd_quit_on_exit: if enabled, this option will add one more line to the generated startup-sequence, which quits the emulator. The purpose is that if you exit the loaded WHDLoad game, it will also quit the emulator and bring you back to where you where before you launched it (e.g. in RetroPie's menu). It defaults to No.
  • Fixed the Enter GUI hotkey with modifiers was not respected if the GUI was already open. It would only work with the button itself, ignoring any modifiers (e.g. Ctrl/Shift/Alt).
  • Fixed a bug where JIT could not be selected in the GUI anymore, after a recent update.
  • Fixed a bug with the Dispmanx version, where the black background layer would sometimes stay on top when you returned to the GUI, causing a black screen to be shown.
  • Fixed a bug where after using the Restart button, you could no longer Quit Amiberry. This was caused after a recent commit.
  • Added missing default whdboot path generation in amiberry.conf.
  • OSX: Skip the JIT files from compiling, until they are supported.
At the same time, I started working on some features I had in the roadmap on the "dev" branch:
  • Rewriting of the input (controller/joystick) routines from the ground up:
    • Implemented support for Axes (e.g. Left/Right Triggers can now be mapped/used)
    • Added more input events in Custom Controls list
    • Added default Axis mapping array, showing it in the Custom Controls panel
    • Greatly simplified internal code, closely matching WinUAE's approach with the addition of Amiberry-specific items.
  • Implemented controller Remap functionality:
    • New buttons available on the Input tab, if a controller is assigned to the port.
    • New window to guide you through mapping your controller's buttons and axes, with new graphics added in the "data" directory.
    • On SDL2 versions, you will also have a graphical indicator showing which button/axis to trigger. On Dispmanx/OpenGL versions, you only have the text mentioning it.
  • Merged Analog Remap (from Custom Controls) and MouseMap options, under MouseMap on the Input Panel. Removed obsolete option from Custom Controls.
  • Added option to set controller Hotkey button, if not using Retroarch mapping (in that case, this is read-only). This allows non-Retroarch installations of Amiberry to use a hotkey on the controller, and utilize another set of Custom Controls that you can map.
  • Fixed navigation in Custom Controls which was broken for a while now.
The recent changes above made in "dev" are currently ready for more extensive user testing. If all goes well, and no bugs are found (or if they are found, we can fix them), I'm planning to merge those changes into "master" and then bump the version to v5.0 instead of 4.2.0. Too many changes have gone in that version already, which should be reflected with the version number as well. :)
The next item in the roadmap is the implementation of a virtual keyboard, which will also be implemented on "dev" first, tested thoroughly, and finally be merged into "master" if all looks well. But that might come after v5.0, it depends on the complexity and how much work will be required.

Feel free to grab the latest version and test it out, and send any feedback you may have! The more we test, the more issues we'll be able to detect and fix before the release.

Until the next one, have fun!