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Open Collective

Arcaelas Insiders

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The company develops JavaScript libraries and tools for building React JS applications. Arcaelas Insiders also offers a variety of other services, including consulting, training, and development.


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$0.00 USD of $1,130 USD / month raised (0%)

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$5 USD / month

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Today’s balance

$346.36 USD

Total income

$521.50 USD

Total disbursed

$175.14 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


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 Arcaelas Insiders is a software company based in Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela. It was founded in 2019 by Miguel Alejandro Guevara Reyes. The company develops JavaScript libraries and tools for building React JS applications. Arcaelas Insiders also offers a variety of other services, including consulting, training, and development.

The company's mission is to "provide innovative and efficient software solutions that help our clients achieve their goals." Arcaelas Insiders is committed to providing high-quality products and services that meet the needs of its clients.

The company's team of experienced engineers is passionate about software development. They are committed to providing their clients with the best possible service. Arcaelas Insiders is a growing company with a bright future.

Here are some of the company's products and services:
  • JavaScript libraries: Arcaelas Insiders develops a variety of JavaScript libraries for building React JS applications. These libraries include:
    • @arcaelas/bridge: A library that works as a bridge between the different technologies of a project, either to negotiate the consumption of a Rest API or a Serverless.
    • @arcaelas/command: A library that allows you to create your own native commands using "command".
    • @arcaelas/utils: A small box of tools, which are implemented in different factions of the library.
  • Consulting: Arcaelas Insiders offers consulting services to help businesses with their software development needs. These services include:
    • Project management
    • Software architecture
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Deployment
  • Training: Arcaelas Insiders offers training courses on a variety of software development topics. These courses are designed for both beginners and experienced developers.
  • Development: Arcaelas Insiders also offers development services to help businesses with their custom software development needs. These services include:
    • Full-stack development
    • Mobile development
    • Web development
    • Cloud computing
If you are looking for a software company that can provide you with innovative and efficient software solutions, then Arcaelas Insiders is a great option. The company has a team of experienced engineers who are passionate about software development. They are committed to providing their clients with the best possible service.