Open Collective
Open Collective


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It produces products that are functional and that really work. We also write useful articles for developers and entrepreneurs.


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Ahmet Sefa Arşiv

20 TRY since Dec 2021

ArsivPro is all of us

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Ahmet Sefa Arşiv


₺20 TRY


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Contribution #512281
Today’s balance

₺20.00 TRY

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₺20.00 TRY

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--.-- TRY

Estimated annual budget

--.-- TRY


Who are we?

It started to serve in 2019 with its experienced and expert staff, customer satisfaction-oriented software and service understanding that makes a difference in the digital advertising sector. Arsivpro Software & Digital Advertising offers web and mobile based software services to its customers throughout Turkey.

Continuing its investments in the software and digital advertising sector, arsivpro aims to provide high quality and holistic service to a much wider audience with its online sales and marketing-oriented work opened in Turkey in 2019. With its e-commerce breakthrough, Arsivpro Software & Digital Advertising brings together the brands and quality software products on the platform with world markets and millions of new customers.

Our Vision

We have become a company that is known on social platforms according to the developing and changing new world order, that plans to follow world-class, contemporary information and lead innovations, and is taken as an example by other companies. We have developed the web service chain, which gives the highest quality service to all our customers in the country and gives importance to customer satisfaction, for the benefit of our customers.

Our Mission

To provide high and equal quality web and mobile based software services to customers all over Turkey. To serve by creating campaigns in the software and digital advertising industry. To ensure that our employees constantly improve themselves in their field and work happily in confidence.

Click the link to see more of our work.

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