Open Collective
Open Collective

Art Collective of WRC


We organize to nourish ourselves and each other through authentic and unfettered expression of our collective spirit to build and inspire community power.


We organize to nourish ourselves and each other through authentic and unfettered expression of our collective spirit to build and inspire community power. We struggle against the oppression of our spirit, identity, and expression of our creative voice perpetuated by supremacy culture.

The People's Passion

We stimulate artistic co-education needed to facilitate community led play, free of common resource constraints and limitations.

Organizing actions of passionate self expression 
Hosting monthly Play Actions with creative supplies provided by WRC in public spaces
Curate gifted art created during the play events with a focus on media arts
Make locally powered visions of community thriving tangible
Install collaborative media art live during Play Actions with compensated local artists facilitating
Gift-to-door Passion Organizing supported by WRC members and materials
Mobilize passion organizers around envisioned direct actions with WRC’s support
Multiply the culture of power
Produce a webseries using first hand source material created locally during play actions, gift-to- door organizing and action mobilizations in collaboration with local passion producers
Host the monthly series on WRCs platform, syndicated among the platforms of coalitioned collectives & organizations
  Share the monthly series directly to locals through the personal networks of facilitating artists, play event participants, organizers, mobilized locals, producers and their friends

Gifts of the Gods

As revolutionary workers we are dismantling the exploitation of the working class and their gifts. Community appreciation makes giving community crafted gifts of Love & Healing directly to members of our community at no required cost possible. Gifts can be viewed/requested at


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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Support Our Artists

Thank you for supporting the Art Collective through this monthly contribution to our operation costs! Your donation will help fund our current coho... Read more

$0.00 USD of $24,000 USD raised (0%)

Starts at
$1 USD

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Appreciate A Gift

Show appreciation for a gift you have received or are requesting. Specific gift requests can be made on

Starts at
$10 USD

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Fund Passion Organizing

Support seasonal passion based actions of creative personal and collective capacity held in public spaces to facilitate power building through comm... Read more

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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Exclusive access to our authentic art processes, including: live art ⁂ works in progress ⁂ commissions ⁂ private sessions ⁂ 18+ (nudity, strong la... Read more

Starts at
$15 USD / month

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Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #518327
Contribution #518327
Contribution #518327
Today’s balance

$126.62 USD

Total raised

$296.62 USD

Total disbursed

$170.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD