Art and Nature Subway Project
Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
Inspiring communities to change through the power of art and education.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Plymouth Octopus (POP)
£5,000 GBP since Nov 2021
Ellie Johnson
£4,785.38 GBP since Jun 2021
Art and Nature Subway Project is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Art and Nature Subway Project.
Ellie Johnson
£4,785 GBP
Ian Poyser
Jenny Ayrton
El Clarke
Owen Finnie
Plymouth Octo...
£5,000 GBP

Transparent and open finances.
-£130.00 GBP
-£130.00 GBP
-£130.00 GBP
Today’s balance£55.38 GBP
Total raised
£10,035.38 GBP
Total disbursed
£9,980.00 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

In a bid to bring art to Chaddlewood’s subways and promote the importance of protecting nature, Mrs Murals has teamed up with:
· Pollenize, a community interest company aimed at protecting bees & pollenators,.
· Clean Our Patch a popular community interest company passionate about keeping our local community free from litter,
· Art and Energy, an art collective that’s delivering engaging and thought provoking art & environmental school sessions.
The background
- Chaddlewood has 6 well used underpasses at 5 locations.
- Historically they have suffered from unauthorised graffiti and subject to some antisocial behavior which is the source of many complaints.
- Typically the subways have been white washed on an infrequent basis to maintain the aesthetics, but these are soon covered with graffiti, tags and dirt.
- White washing walls creates a ‘blank canvass’ for unwanted graffiti, which no one wants to see!
This community lead project will help:
- Engage local schools to promote art and citizenship
- Brighten up often dark and dreary subways
- Reduce the fear of crime and promote walking
- Promote environmental awareness, community cohesion, health and wellbeing through art.
- Lower the cost of ongoing subway maintenance for the council.
- Provide a space for art inspired by local schools created at our art and education sessions .
A full project brief including subway art designs has been produced which include art stencils from Pollenize We were unable to upload them here, but they can be viewed at
The designs at the Glen Road & Westfield subway will finalised with the help of pupils at:
· Glen Park Primary School
· Chaddlewood Primary School
This project plans to include a schools based engagement activity during the autumn term which will support curriculum based learning focused on how environments can change as a result of human actions, such as littering. Workshop sessions will be designed to make pupils think about how we affect nature & how we can protect it. An interactive and creative session designed in collaboration with teachers will give pupils the opportunity to present their thoughts and ideas though art which will inform the designs at the Glen Road & Westfield subway.
Children will be able to say ' I did that!' and 'I'm helping nature, by not littering'
So what will the funding cover?
The funding will pay for:
The time that local artists commit to this project, supporting our local artists through a difficult period.
· All art materials such as paint, brushes and cleaning materials
· Scaffolding and platforms
· Insurances
· The provision of workshops in local schools.
· Some ongoing maintenance of art works, if there is sufficient funds.
When will the project start?
We plan to start the project at the beginning of August 21 and complete five subways before the June 22, subject to weather conditions.
The final subway at Westfield & Glen Road will be completed in the spring with the help of local school children's designs.