Open Collective
Open Collective

Location Data on ATProto


Venues, geo, and other location data on AT Protocol


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Contribution #836049
Today’s balance

$103.48 USD

Total raised

$103.48 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$120.00 USD


We're kicking off a working group and infrastructure project to bring location data to AT Protocol.

The high level work to be done includes:
  • Default venue and geo lexicons
  • Foursquare OS Places integration
  • A venue lookup end point and widget that apps can use
  • Backend firehose, feeds, and search support, with a default map visualization of any ATproto data type that uses venue or geo

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Location Data on ATProto is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Location Data on ATProto.

Jim Tittsler

$120 USD