Open Collective
Open Collective
Should we contract someone to work 1/day/week on Better Media?
Published on October 22, 2020 by Josef Davies-Coates

Hello to all Better Media contributors,

I've recently invited (or on most cases re-invited) you all to join our Loomio group (where we do our online collaborative decision-making) because we've currently got a proposal running to contract someone to work 1/day/week on Better Media?

We'd love to hear what you all think about this plan!

You can read the discussion thread "Should we contract someone to work 1/day/week on Better Media?" or go straight to poll to vote.

Many thanks for all your generous contributions to date and thanks for participating in our decision-making - this is your campaign, so have your say now!

Currently the poll ends at 11pm on Saturday 31 October 2020 (but may be extended if e.g. the Union branches who donated the most to date need more time to discuss internally first).

In solidarity,
