Open Collective
Open Collective
Our new logo
Published on July 31, 2021 by Valentina Territo

Our new logo is the best way to introduce you to the spirit of the More Trees Campaign. The name might seem to say it all, but there’s a lot behind it.

We chose the Persian silk tree and the sphere to represent our values and goals.
The Persian silk tree is also known as “the happy tree” because its leaves have been used since ancient times to cure insomnia, depression, and anxiety. We all know the importance of mental health in our times, and we are also aware of the positive impact that nature has on it. So, more trees also mean more happiness and greater balance for us and for the planet.

Beyond this awareness lies the idea of self-awareness, which is represented by the sphere. Being at the center of the sphere is a symbol of inner balance which is also projected outside of us: only self-aware humans can become better inhabitants of this world. This is why along with the planting of new trees we also support organisations that spread the tools and ideas of Self-Awareness to help solve society’s problems at their very root.

This year we aim to plant 5000 trees while building a community. We are also committed to supporting the London School of Self-Awareness in its mission to establish a permanent centre in the UK and expand to reach a broader community.