Open Collective
Open Collective

Global Majority + BIPOC Community Organizing

Offer direct support to Global Majority + BIPOC Community Organizing within Bhumisparsha

Help us grow and sustain Global Majority + BIPOC 
organizing in our community!

Monthly stipend + honorarium for Ms.
Ayesha Ali: We are very blessed that Ms. Ayesha Ali has offered to help nourish more robust affinity spaces for beloved Global Majority + BIPOC members of the Bhumi community! Check out this recent Washington Post article featuring Ms. Ayesha, Rashid Hughes, and their collaborations to center experiences and cultures of Global Majority + BIPOC communities in mindfulness education. We are excited to collaborate with Ms. Ayesha toward enhancing skillfulness and creativity on this essential aspect of our priorities, visions, and values.

Specifics: Accompanied by grant support from the Bess Family Foundation, we've committed to offering Ms. Ayesha $1,000/mo in appreciation for the gifts she is offering through her role as Community Weaver. This amount reflects a balance between what we are able to offer in light of our existing resources and the current level of organizing that is taking shape. We are collaborating with Ayesha to move at the speed of ease and trust, and look forward to seeing what emerges!

Tending the future: In addition ensuring our ability to compensate Ms. Ayesha, we are committed to nourishing diverse expressions of Global Majority + BIPOC organizing in our community more broadly. Funds raised through this tier will be dedicated to continuously centering and re-centering Global Majority + BIPOC experiences, cultures, and needs while weaving these threads throughout the fabric of the Bhumi-verse.

Thank you for your generosity! Every little bit helps.

Top image: Petr Kratochvil,
Middle image: Ayesha Ali
Bottom image: Ayesha Ali


Goal $5,000 USD

Amount raised

$3,449.60 USD

Still to contribute

$1,550.40 USD


16 individuals have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!

Leigh Rosenberg

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$3,900 USD

Elizabeth Par...

Trans People of Color (TPOC...

$3,417 USD

Karen Ziegler

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$2,400 USD

andi plantenberg

Global Majority + BIPOC Com...

$1,200 USD

Jessica R

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$1,090 USD

Virginia Rave...

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$690 USD

Mary Ann Nafz...

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$560 USD

Sesalli Castillo


$525 USD

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$465 USD

Larissa Duncan

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$400 USD

Eric B.


$380 USD

El McKay

Sustaining Monthly Gift

$205 USD