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Open Collective
bifrost bridge at can connect a matrix room to any xmpp muc with mam support
Published on May 11, 2022 by Pirate Praveen

Thanks to great work done by Maranda, we can now have mam support for matrix to xmpp bridged rooms indirectly if we have admin access to a matrix room. This is possible via plumbing feature introduced in this fork of the bifrost bridge. This allows us to bridge a matrix room to any xmpp muc with mam support. 

Even though the bifrost bridge is still missing mam support, this allows us to depend on another xmpp server with mam support as xmpp entry point instead of the bifrost bridge provided xmpp server.

To use this bridge, 
  1. Invite to your matrix room and run 
  2. !bifrost bridge xmpp-js muc.domain.tld mucname
This will bridge [email protected] and the matrix room where you run the above command.

We will still need to add mam support to the bridge to be able to join any matrix room even if admin don't bridge it manually to xmpp. We hope to collaborate with Maranda once he fixes show stopper bugs in current bifrost code.

This is a great example of the power of Free Software which allows anyone to modify the software even if original developers are not interested.

Note: If you are running prosody increase nick name limit to at least 50 following

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