Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP
We want to add offline messages support for XMPP users connecting to matrix rooms via matrix bifrost bridge.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP.
Top financial contributors
$100 USD since Oct 2021
$67 USD since Oct 2021
$67 USD since Nov 2021
$50 USD since Nov 2021
$30 USD since Oct 2021
$25 USD since Dec 2021
$20 USD since Nov 2021
$10 USD since Mar 2022
Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP is all of us
Our contributors 10
Thank you for supporting Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP.
Pirate Praveen
$100 USD
Nkwuda Sunday...
$67 USD
Ravi Dwivedi
$30 USD
Olatunji Ajayi
Snehal Shekatkar
$67 USD
JC Brand
$50 USD
$25 USD
$20 USD
Anubhav Madan...
$10 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Anubhav Madansure to Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP •
--.-- USD
$352.99 USD
$352.99 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Bifrost bridge: Offline messages exchange between Matrix and XMPP
Updates on our activities and progress.
Maranda from aria-net.org implements mam support in bifrost bridge
bifrost bridge at aria-net.org can connect a matrix room to any xmpp muc with mam support
Progres Report
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
About your application to XMPP Standards Foundation
Published on October 26, 2021 by Matthew Wild
Hi! Thanks for your application, and thanks for your patience. The XSF board members (including myself) have reviewed it, and there is a general willingness to accept your application. However your project is somewhat unusual in that it is...

There is open issue on the bifrost bridge repo, but no promise from the maintainers about a timeline. Since this is Free Software, we have the freedom to improve the code and we decided to implement it. This needs some dedicated full time effort so we should raise some funds for people working on the project.
Sunday Nkwuda and Olatunji Ajayi were working with Pirate Praveen on implementing apt support plugin for yarn package manager as part of Debian's Outreachy internships programme. They agreed to work on this project as outreachy internship period was completed.
Looking further we found out the bridge is using xmpp.js library to implement the XMPP functionality. We started a discussion with maintainers of xmpp.is and they suggested we implement it outside xmpp.js.
We talked many persons and organizations to host the crowd funding campaign as all popular platforms don't support their country, Nigeria. Finally we saw the announcement by XSF to host worldwide projects to improve XMPP and created this collective.
Join us via
- XMPP https://conversations.im/j/[email protected]
- Matrix https://matrix.to/#/#bifrost-mam:poddery.com
- ActivityPub/Friendica/Mastodon/Diaspora https://venera.social/profile/xep_0313